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NIM (Student Number)F1F007148
AbstrakABSTRAK Elmasari, Nafi. 2014. The Reflection of Human Characteristics through Children’s Literature in Antoine De Saint Expery’s The Little Prince. Program Sarjana Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Ilmu Budaya, Akademik 2012/2013. Pembimbing 1: Tribuanan Sari, S.S., M.Si. Pembimbing 2: Mia Fitria Agstina, S.E.,S.S., M.A. Penguji: Rosyid Dodiyanto, S.S., M. Hum. Kata Kunci: Karakter manusia, Sastra Anak, The Little Prince. Penelitian yang berjudul “The Reflection of Human Characteristics through Children’s Literature in Antoine De Saint Expery’s The Little Prince” bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakteristik manusia dicerminkan melalui karya sastra anak dalam novel Antoine De Saint Expery yang berjudul The Little Prince. Dalam penelitian ini, metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Data utama dari penelitian ini berupa novel Antoine De Saint Exuupery yang berjudul The Little Prince yang dianalisis menggunakan isu karakter. Dari penelitian ini diambil kesimpulan bahwa ada beberapa karakter manusia yang dicerminkan oleh karakter yang ada di novel. Mereka adalah: The Narrator, The Flower, The King, The Conceited Man, The Tippler, The Businessman, The Little Prince, The Gamplighter, The geographer and The Fox. The Narrator merefleksikan sifat manusia yakni; imajinatif, kesepian dan ramah. The Flower merefleksikan sifat manusia yakni; penuh akal, tidak konsekwen dan munafik. The King merefleksikan sifat manusia yaitu, penuh ambisi. The Conceited Man merefleksikan sifat manusia yaitu, cinta pada diri sendiri. The Tippler merefleksikan sifat manusia yaitu konyol dan tidak masuk akal. The Businessman merefleksikan sifat manusia yaitu; tidak ramah, tamak dan tidak masuk akal. The Little Prince merefleksikan sifat manusia yaitu; pemberani, kesepian, bertanggungjawab dan baik hati. The Lamplighter merefleksikan sifat mansia, yaitu bertanggungjawab dan tidak berfikir untuk dirinya sendiri. The Geographer merefleksikan sifat manusia yakni tidak mau menikmati keindahan dan selalu memikirkan hal-hal tang besar saja. The Fox merefleksikan sifat manusia yaitu bijaksana. Setiap karakter yang ditemui oleh The Little Prince mendefinisikan dunia menurut pendapat mereka sendiri, mereka melihat dunia hanya sebatas apa yang mereka lihat bukan memahami maknanya melalui hati.
Abstrak (Inggris)ABSTRACT Elmasari, Nafi. 2014. The Reflection of Human Characteristics through Children’s Literature in Antoine De Saint Expery’s The Little Prince. English Language and Literature Study Program, Departement of Humanities, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Academic year 2013/2014. First Advisor: Tribuanan Sari, S.S., M.Si. Second Advisor: Mia Fitria Agstina, S.E.,S.S., M.A. Examiner: Rosyid Dodiyanto, S.S., M. Hum. Keywords: Human Characters, Children’s Literature, The Little Prince The research entitled “The Reflection of Human Characteristics through Children’s Literature in Antoine De Saint Expery’s The Little Prince” is aimed to find out how human characteristics are reflected through children’s literature in Antoine De Saint Expery’s The Little Prince. In this research, descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the data. The data source of this study is Antoine De Saint Expery’s The Little Prince whose literary elements are analyzed to find out human’s characteristics depicted in the novel through characters in the novel. From the research, there is a conclusion that in this novel, there are several human characteristics represented by the characters in the novel. They are: The Narrator, The Flower, The King, The Conceited Man, The Tippler, The Businessman, The Little Prince, The Lamplighter, The Geographer and The Fox. The narrator reflects human characteristics they are imaginative, lonely and friendly. The flower reflected human characters, those are; tricky, inconsistent and hypocritical. The king represented a human characteristic which is obsessed. The conceited man is reflected the human character which is narcissism. The tippler represented human character which is silly. The businessman shows the human characteristics namely unfriendly, greedy, and illogical. The little prince is reflected human characteristics, they are: brave, lonely, responsible and kind. The lamplighter represented human character which is responsible and caring. The geographer is represented human characteristic which is cannot enjoy every day pleasure and just thinking of matter of consequence. The fox is represented human characteristic which is wise. While, every one of these adult that the little prince meets defines the world around him according to his own terms. Each of them sees the world only as he thinks it is. They do not realize what it means to see with the heart.
Kata KunciKeywords: Human Characters, Children’s Literature, The Little Prince
Nama Pembimbing 1Tribuana Sari, S.S., M.Si
Nama Pembimbing 2Mia Fitria Agustina, S.E., S.S., M.A.
Jumlah Halaman11
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