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NIM (Student Number)H1D009045
AbstrakCilacap, sebagai salah satu kabupaten yang berada di pesisir selatan Jawa Tengah mempunyai bentuk berupa teluk yang menyempit yang merupakan salah satu ciri daerah yang rawan terhadap tsunami. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan zonasi tingkat risiko daerah rawan bencana tsunami berdasarkan bahaya alam dan kerentanan di Cilacap terutama Kecamatan Binangun. Daerah rawan bencana tsunami diidentifikasikan sebagai daerah yang berpotensi terkena rayapan gelombang tsunami, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi antara lain, jarak maksimum rendaman, tinggi rayapan maksimum, dan daerah rendaman. Sedangkan variabel kerentanan tsunami dalam studi ini diwakili oleh 5 jenis variable yaitu Kelas penggunaan lahan (landuse), ketinggian, jarak dari pantai, kemampuan evakuasi, dan kepadatan penduduk. Sistem informasi geografis (SIG) merupakan perangkat yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memvisualisasikan tingkat resiko tsunami. Salah satu metode aplikasi SIG yang sering digunakan saat ini adalah metode Cell Based Modelling (CBM). Dalam studi ini, dilakukan analisis untuk kerawanan dengan cara overlay data elevasi dari SRTM DEM dengan Innundation modelling yang berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 06/PRT/M/2009 tentang Pedoman Perencanaan Umum Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Kawasan Rawan Tsunami.). Faktor kerentanan didapatkan dari weight overlay semua parameter kerentanan, masing-masing parameter dihitung menggunakan metode AHP. Peta Resiko didapatkan dari weight overlay antara peta kerawanan dan peta kerentanan dengan bobot yang sama. Dari penelitian didapat luas area dengan keriteria sangat rawan seluas 672.300 m² atau 1,305 % sedangkan luas total area dengan keriteria rawan memiliki luas 9.971.100 m² atau 19,3675 % dari luas total Kecamatan Binangun. Berdasarkan tingkat kerentanan, Kecamatan Binangun memiliki daerah sangat rentan seluas 160.200 m² atau 0,031% dan daerah rentan seluas 39.455.100 m² atau 76,6362% dari luas total Kecamatan Binangun. Sedangkan luas area dengan tingkat resiko sangat tinggi di Kecamatan Binangun seluas 656.100 m² atau 1,27439% dan luas area dengan tingkat resiko tinggi 1.789.200 m² atau 34,7546% dari luas Kecamatan Binangun.
Abstrak (Inggris)Cilacap, as one of the districts in the southern coast of Central Java. This is because Cilacap has narrowed the form of the bay which is one of the characteristics of the tsunami­prone areas. Under these conditions, it is necessary to risk level zoning tsunami prone areas based on natural hazards and vulnerability in District Binangun. Tsunami­prone areas are identified as potentially affected occured creep tsunami waves and they are areas submerged by the tsunami when the tsunami. Some factor affecting vulnerability e.i tsunami, the maximum distance of immersion, high maximum creep (run­up), and the immersion area (inundation). While the tsunami vulnerability variable in this study is represented by a variable that is five Class types of land use (Land use), Height Class, Class Distance from the beach, Evacuation Capability Class, and Class Population Density. Values obtained are affected by the vulnerability of the five types of these variables. Geographic information system (GIS) is a device that has the ability to visualize the level of risk and vulnerability to tsunami hazard. Cell Based Modeling (CBM) is a GIS modeling method in this study to present the complexities and interactions in nature with a simplification. In this study, the tsunami risk mapping is determined by hazard factor and vulnerability factors. Hazard factors obtained from modeling tsunami inundation areas with high creep comparing with land elevation data from the SRTM DEM where high creep calculation is based on a return period of tsunami events in the Minister of Public Works No. 06 / PRT / M / 2009 on the General Planning Guidelines for Infrastructure Development in Tsunami Prone Regions. Vulnerability factors obtained from the method of weight overlay all parameters vulnerabilities that consists of land elevation, land use, population density, distance from shore and land slope with respective weights - each parameter is calculated using the AHP method. Risk map obtained from the weight overlay between map insecurity and vulnerability maps with balanced weight Area of research obtained with the criteria of a very vulnerable of 672.300 m² or 1.305%, while the total area of the cartilage has a broad criteria of 9.9711 million m² or 19.3675% of the total District of Binangun. Based on vulnerability level, District Binangun have a very vulnerable area or an area of 160.200 m² or 0.031% and covering vulnerable areas 39.455.100 m² or 76.6362% of the total District of Binangun. For the village level, widarapayung kulon is an area with a level of vulnerability that is most vulnerable area and 324.000 m² 2.737.800 m² quite vulnerable. Based on the risk of danger, villages most at risk are Widarapayung Kulon village with an area of relatively high risk areas and areas at risk 364.500 m² 1.304.100 m² area.
Kata KunciZonasi Tingkat Risiko, Tsunami, Bencana, Kerentanan, Weight Overlay
Nama Pembimbing 1Wahyu Widianto S.T.,M.T
Nama Pembimbing 2Sanidhya Nika P S.T.,M.T
Jumlah Halaman16
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