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NIM (Student Number)P2PA13004
Nama MahasiswaDWI YULIANI, S.Si
AbstrakGlobal warming is happening in Indonesia led to the agricultural sector threatened and vulnerable to climate change. Climate change impact on the daily air temperature changes, farmer behavior, and diversity of insect pollinators. The study aims to determine the daily changes in air temperature, farmer behavior, and diversity of pollinating insects in the village of Serang District of Karangreja Purbalingga; and to analyze the relationship between daily changes in air temperature, farmer behavior, and diversity of insect pollinators. Research using survey methods (March April 2015). The technique daily air temperature and the diversity of insect pollinators on agricultural in 3 land and responden sampling is purposive sampling as much 99 people. The results showed that the average daily air temperature in chili crop farms larger than crop farms of tomato and strawberry; behavior of farmers have a good knowledge about the environmental degradation of agriculture, good attitude about awareness in maintaining and improving the quality of agriculture, and the action that is bad about the use of excessive doses of fertilizer; calculation types of insect pollinators in tomato farming more land from agricultural land chili and strawberry; good knowledge, good attitude, and bad actions closely related to the daily air temperature and insect pollinators.
Abstrak (Inggris)Global warming is happening in Indonesia led to the agricultural sector threatened and vulnerable to climate change. Climate change impact on the daily air temperature changes, farmer behavior, and diversity of insect pollinators. The study aims to determine the daily changes in air temperature, farmer behavior, and diversity of pollinating insects in the village of Serang District of Karangreja Purbalingga; and to analyze the relationship between daily changes in air temperature, farmer behavior, and diversity of insect pollinators. Research using survey methods (March April 2015). The technique daily air temperature and the diversity of insect pollinators on agricultural in 3 land and responden sampling is purposive sampling as much 99 people. The results showed that the average daily air temperature in chili crop farms larger than crop farms of tomato and strawberry; behavior of farmers have a good knowledge about the environmental degradation of agriculture, good attitude about awareness in maintaining and improving the quality of agriculture, and the action that is bad about the use of excessive doses of fertilizer; calculation types of insect pollinators in tomato farming more land from agricultural land chili and strawberry; good knowledge, good attitude, and bad actions closely related to the daily air temperature and insect pollinators.
Kata Kuncidaily air temperature, farmer behavior, and insect pollinators
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr.rer.nat. Imam Widhiono M.Z, M.S
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr.rer.nat. Moh. Husein Sastranegara, M.Si
Jumlah Halaman8
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