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NIM (Student Number)H1F011044
Judul ArtikelAnalisis Fasies dan Evaluasi Formasi untuk Perhitungan Cadangan Hidrokarbon Formasi Baturaja Lapangan "Triton" Cekungan Sumatra Selatan
AbstrakFormasi Baturaja merupakan salah satu formasi yang menghasilkan hidrokarbon secara produktif dengan litologi utama berupa batuan karbonat atau batugamping. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui fasies dan lingkungan pengendapan, sifat petrofisika batuan, kondisi bawah permukaan dan penyebaran reservoir dengan hasil akhir cadangan hidrokarbon Formasi Baturaja Lapangan “Triton”. Analisis tersebut didasarkan pada interpretasi data serbuk bor (cutting), well log, seismik, dan batuan inti (core) termasuk petrografi dan SEM. Lithofasies Formasi Baturaja terdiri dari Bioclast Mudstone, Coral Floatstone, Bioclast Packstone, Bioclast Wackestone, Coral Rudstone, dan Bioclast-Lithic Wackestone. Lingkungan pengendapan Formasi Baturaja berada pada daerah reef-flank, fore-reef sampai reef-front, back-reef (lagoonal) atau platform interior-restricted, platform-margin sand shoals, winnowed carbonate platform, slope, dan reef-core (reef-crest). Berdasarkan analisis petrofisika diketahui nilai porositas Formasi Baturaja Lapangan “Triton” yaitu sebesar 0,21, Vshale 0,10033, Rw 1,317, porositas efektif 17,7%, dan, saturasi air 0,45. Geometri reservoir Lapangan “Triton” berupa dua reef build up dari Formasi Baturaja dengan closure seluas 779,1 acre dan ketebalan yaitu 160 feet. Cadangan hidrokarbon Formasi Baturaja Lapangan “Triton” sebesar 11,4575 MMSTB, sedangkan cadangan terambil sebesar 2,864361 MMSTB.
Abstrak (Inggris)Baturaja Formation is the prolific hydrocarbon reservoir formation with limestone or carbonate rocks as the major lithologies. One of location with Baturaja Formation as main reservoir “Triton” Field South Sumatra Basin which constitute as study area. This study aims to identify facies and depositional environment, petrophysic characteristics, subsurface setting and reservoir distribution and resulting hydrocarbon reserves of Baturaja Formation “Triton” Field. In this study, analyses and synthesis of a series of data were used comprising cutting, well log, seismic, and core including petrographic and SEM analysis. Lithofacies of Baturaja Formation were divided to Bioclast Mudstone, Coral Floatstone, Bioclast Packstone, Bioclast Wackestone, Coral Rudstone, dan Bioclast-Lithic Wackestone. The depositional environment were interpreted are reef-flank, fore-reef to reeffront, back-reef (lagoonal) or platform interior-restricted, platform-margin sand shoals, winnowed carbonate platform, slope, dan reef-core (reef-crest). Based on petrophysic analysis, porosity value of Baturaja Formation “Triton” Field is 0,21, Vshale is 0,10033, Rw is 1,317, and water saturation is 0,45. Closure of “Triton” Field are two reef build up of Baturaja Formation and covered 779,1 acre area with the thickness 160 feet. Hydrocarbon reserves estimated is 11,4575 MMSTB, while recoverable reserves is 2,864361 MMSTB.
Kata Kunci
Nama Pembimbing 1Sachrul Iswahyudi S.T., M.T.
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Zaroh Irayani S.Si., M.Si.
Jumlah Halaman17
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