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NIM (Student Number)F1C009040
Nama MahasiswaSYAQIB
AbstrakSebagai media massa lokal, Satelitpost, memiliki peranan yang tak beda dari media massa umumnya, yaitu menginformasikan dan kontrol kuasa dalam sistem sosial. Dalam perannya, Satelitpost melakukan berbagai bentuk pengawasan. Salah satunya kasus pelanggaran toko modern Indomaret. Pengawalan Satelitpost dalam kasus tersebut berjalan intensif, dan berkala secara arahan beritanya. Setiap media, memiliki palning dan arahan pemberitaan, atau agenda media. Dalam penentuanya ada sitematika kerja. Tak menutup kemungkinan juga dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor dalam membentuknya. Penelitian ini berfokus pada proses penentuan agenda media harian pagi Satelitpost, terkait pemberitaan pelanggaran toko modern Indomaret. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif. Memunculkan data yang sifatnya deskriptif. Dimana data tersebut diinterpretasikan dan kemudian disimpulan. Informan yang dipilih adalah orang yang memahami kerja jurnalistik di Satelitpost, khsusunya yang terlibat aktif terkait pemberitaan kasus tersebut. Untuk menguji keabsahan, penelitian ini menggunakan model triangulasi data, meliputi sumber data, peneliti, metode dan teori. Dari hasil penelitian, Satelitpost dalam kerja redaksi terbagi tiga tahap. Tahap pra liputan, tahap liputan, dan pasca liputan. hadirnya berita Pelanggaran toko modern dimulai dari moment pembongkaran Indomaret. Kemudian menjadi berita ‘Runnning News’ berkala, dengan beberapa berita disetup sesuai kebutuhan arahan. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi pemberitaan meliputi: faktor individu, rutinitas media, organisasi, extra media, dan ideologi. Termasuk didalamnya adalah faktor bisnis. Agenda media adalah dasar kerja redaksi Satelitpost. Agenda media terkait kasus tersebut adalah menyuarakan golongan kecil seperti toko kelontong, pasar tradisional dan pedagang kecil. Agenda lainya berupa penegasan sikap pemerintah dalam menjalankan Peraturan Daerah. Kerja dan fungsi media ini, harus ditunjang oleh kinerja redaksi yang mumpuni. Konsistensi redaksi adalah kunci untuk memaksimalkan peranan Satelitpost di Banyumas. Terpenting, Satelitpost musti mengutamakan kepentingan publik. Kata Kunci : Agenda Pemberitaan, Surat Kabar, Toko Modern, Studi Deskriptif
Abstrak (Inggris)As a local media, Satelitpost has similar roles with any media in general, it is to inform and has the power control in social system. According to that roles, Satelitpost has been doing several kinds of controlling activities. One of them is the case of law violation by Indomaret modern store. The controlling by Satelitpost toward that case was running continuously and intensively in accordance with the reporting planning that had been made. Each media has their own direction and reporting planning or also called the media agenda. Systematic work is needed in the determination of media agenda. There are so many factors that can affect the determination process. This research focuses into the determination proses of news agenda in Satelitpost Daily Morning, in the relation of their reportage toward the law violation by Indomaret modern store. The method that has been used in this research is descriptive qualitative method that shows any descriptive data. The data will be interpreted and finally concluded. The chosen informants are person who have deep comprehension about journalistic work in Satelitpost, especially they who were actively involved in the reportage of the case. To test the validity, this research uses data triangulation model that includes the source of data, researcher, theory and method. From the conclusion of this research, will be acknowledged that the editorial proses in Satelitpost is divided into three stages. They are the pre-report, reporting, and post-report stage. The reports of modern store law violation were started from the moment of the store demolition. This case then became the daily Running News with some sets up as what is directed by the editorial. The factors that affect the reportage process are individual factor, media routine, organization, extra media and ideology. Also including the business factor. The media agenda is basic framework of editorial work in Satelitpost. The media agenda that is related to this case is to express the voice of people such as small local groceries and traditional market. The next agenda is to demanding the assertiveness of government in running the local policy. This media function need to be supported by the adequate editorial work. The consistency of editorial team is the key to maximize the roles of Satelitpost in the Banyumas Region. The most important thing is that Satelitpost needs to always set the public interest as the priority. Keywords: Media Agenda, Newspaper, Modern Store, Descriptive Study
Kata KunciMedia Agenda, Newspaper, Modern Store, Descriptive Study
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Edi Santoso, M.Si
Nama Pembimbing 2P Imam Prawoto Jati, M.I.kom
Jumlah Halaman17
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