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NIM (Student Number)D1E013156
AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh suplementasi asam isobutirat dan sulfur serta pengaruh interaksi antara keduanya terhadap aktivitas selulase cairan rumen dan kecernaan serat kasar pakan kambing. Materi yang digunakan adalah pakan yang terdiri atas rumput lapang dan konsentrat dengan imbangan 60:40, cairan rumen dari 3 ekor kambing Jawarandu yang diambil di Rumah Pemotongan Hewan (RPH) segera setelah kambing dipotong. Konsentrat yang digunakan tersusun dari 22% dedak padi, 3,3% pollard, dan 14,67% bungkil kelapa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode experimental secara in vitro menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola Faktorial 3 x 3 dengan 9 kombinasi perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Faktor pertama (a) yaitu suplementasi sulfur yang terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu 0% (a1), 0,3% (a2), dan 0,6 % (a3), factor kedua (b) yaitu suplementasi asam isobutirat yang terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu 0 mM (b1), 0,2 mM (b2), dan 0,4 mM (b3). Kombinasi perlakuan pada penelitian yaitu (a1b1) pakan basal + sulfur 0 %+ isobutirat 0 mM, (a1b2) pakan basal + sulfur 0%+ isobutirat 0,2 mM, (a1b3) pakan basal + sulfur 0%+ isobutirat 0,4 mM, (a2b1) pakan basal + sulfur 0,3 % + isobutirat 0 mM, (a2b2) pakan basal + sulfur 0,3 %+ isobutirat 0,2 mM, (a2b3) pakan basal + sulfur 0,3 %+ isobutirat 0,4 mM, (a3b1) pakan basal + sulfur 0,6 %+ isobutirat 0 mM, (a3b2)pakan basal + sulfur 0,6 %+ isobutirat 0,2 mM, (a3b3) pakan basal + sulfur 0,6 %+ isobutirat 0,4 mM. Peubah yang diukur yaitu aktivitas selulase cairan rumen dan kecernaan serat kasar. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis variansi (ANAVA) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji orthogonal polynomial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat interaksi antara suplementasi asam isobutirat dengan sulfur (P<0,01) menurunkan aktivitas selulase maupun kecernaan serat kasar pakan. Aktivitas selulase cairan rumen terbaik ditemukan pada suplementasi sulfur 0,6% tanpa penambahan asam isobutirat. Kecernaan serat kasar terbaik didapatkan pada suplementasi asam isobutirat 0,2 mM tanpa penambahan sulfur.
Abstrak (Inggris)The purpose of this research was to assess the effect of supplementation with isobutyric acid, and sulphur into the feed ,and the interaction between isobutyric acid and sulphur on cellulase activity of rumen fluid and crude fiber digestibility.The Materials used in this research were feed that consisted of wild grass and concentrate with a ratio 60:40, rumen fluid of slaughtered Jawarandu goat. Concentrate composed of 22% of rice bran, 3.3% of pollard, and 14.67% of coconut cake. This research was conducted by using experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (CRD), (3x3) Factorial pattern with 9 treatments and 3 repetitions. The first factor (a) was the supplementation with sulphur, i.e. 0% (a1), 0.3% (a2), dan 0.6 % (a3), and the second factor was the supplementation with isobutyric acid, i.e. 0 mM (b1), 0.2 mM (b2), dan 0.4 mM (b3). The treatment combinations were (a1b1) basal feed + 0 % sulphur + 0 mM isobutirate acid, (a1b2) basal feed + 0% sulphur + 0.2 mM isobutyric acid, (a1b3) basal feed + 0% sulphur + 0.4 mM isobutyric acid, a2b1: basal feed + 0.3 % sulphur + 0 mM isobutyric acid, (a2b2) basal feed + 0.3 % sulphur + 0.2 mM isobutirate acid, (a2b3) basal feed + 0.3 % sulphur + 0.4 mM isobutyric acid, (a3b1) basal feed + 0.6 % sulphur + 0 mM isobutyric acid, (a3b2) basal feed + 0.6 % sulphur + 0.2 mM isobutyric acid, (a3b3) basal feed + 0.6 % sulphur + 0.4 mM isobutyric acid. The variables measured were cellulase activity of rumen fluid and crude fiber digestibility. The data were analized using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Orthogonal Polymonial Test.The results of this research showed that the interaction between isobutyric acid and sulphur was highly significant (P< 0.01) to decrease the cellulase activity of rumen fluid and crude fiber digestibility. The best result of Cellulase activity was found in treatment that contained 0.6% sulphur suplementation without isobutyric acid. The best result of crude fiber digestibility was found in treatment that contained 0.2 mM isobutyric acid suplementation without sulphur
Kata Kunciasam isobutirat, sulfur, aktivitas selulase, kecernaan serat kasar
Nama Pembimbing 1 Prof. Dr. Ir. Wardhana S., M.S
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Ir. Sri Rahayu, M.Si
Jumlah Halaman8
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