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NIM (Student Number)F1F010004
Judul ArtikelA Translation Analysis of Interrogative Sentences in Tintin And The Picaros Comics By Hergé from English into Indonesian
AbstrakABSTRAK Kata Kunci: komik, kalimat interogatif, prosedur penerjemahan Judul penelitian ini adalah A Translation Analysis of Interrogative Sentences In Tintin and The Picaros by Herge From English Into Indonesian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe kalimat interogatif dan prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan komik berjudul Tintin and The Picaros dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa ujaran dari karakter dalam komik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kalimat interogatif baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun Spanyol, sedangkan sampel yang digunakan hanya kalimat interogatif berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan dimasukan ke dalam tabel, kemudian dikategorikan sesuai prosedur Newmark (1988) dan tipe kalimat interogatif berdasarkan teori Ron Cowan (2008). Dari 181 data, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ditemukan 10 tipe kalimat interogatif, yaitu positive yes/no question (21,5%), negative yes/no question (5%), declarative yes//no question (17,6%), opposite polarity tag (3,3%), same polarity tag (0,5%), wh-information question (23,3%), rhetorical question (10%), exclamatory question (3,9%), elliptical question (6,7%), dan alternative question (1,1%). Menjawab rumusan masalah kedua, ditemukan 8 prosedur translasi yaitu: literal translation (30,3%), transference (6,6%), naturalization (9,3%), synonymy (5,4%), modulation (22,2%), reduction and expansion (19,5), transposition shift (4%), dan couplet (2,7%). Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan adanya kecenderungan antara pertanyaan retoris dan prosedur modulasi. Pertanyaan retoris dengan makna tersirat cenderung diterjemahkan menggunakan modulasi. Dalam hal ini, prosedur modulasi membantu mengalihkan pesan dari BSu dengan mereproduksi makna agar mendapatkan penerjemahan yang tidak melebihi ruang komik yang terbatas. Selain itu, temuan lain ditemukan pada beberapa kalimat interogatif yang berubah bentuk setelah diterjemahkan dengan suatu prosedur. Prosedur reduksi mengakibatkan positive yes/no question berubah menjadi declarative yes/no question, sedangkan literal translation menyebabkan wh-information berubah menjadi pertanyaan eliptis.
Abstrak (Inggris)ABSTRACT Keywords: comics, interrogative sentences, translation procedures The title of this research is A Translation Analysis of Interrogative Sentences in Tintin and The Picaros By Herge from English into Indonesian. This research is aimed to find out the types of interrogative sentence and to explain the procedures applied in translating comics entitled Tintin and The Picaros from English into Indonesian. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data in this research were utterances spoken by each character in the comics. This research used purposive sampling. The population was all of the English and Spanish interrogative sentences, thus English interrogative sentences and Indonesian interrogative sentences came as the sample in this research. The data were analyzed by displaying into table then they were explained and categorized using Newmark’s (1988) theory and Ron Cowan’s (2008) types of interrogative sentence. From 181 data that has been gained, the results show 10 interrogative sentence types in the comics, namely positive yes/no question (21,5%), negative yes/no question (5%), declarative yes//no question (17,6%), opposite polarity tag (3,3%), same polarity tag question (0,5%), wh-information question (23,3%), rhetorical question (10%), exclamatory question (3,9%), elliptical question (6,7%), and alternative question (1,1%). Responding to the second research objective, there are 8 translation procedures which are applied in translating the comics, they are: literal translation (30,3%), transference (6,6%), naturalization (9,3%), synonymy (5,4%), modulation (22,2%), reduction and expansion (19,5), transposition shift (4%) and couplet (2,7%). The final finding also reveals a unique tendency between rhetorical question and modulation procedure. Rhetorical question with its implicit meaning tends to be translated by modulation. In this case, modulation helps rhetorical question because its implicit meaning is reproduced from the SL into the TL in order to gain translation that does not exceed the limited space. After conducting this research, another finding has been discovered. The use of reduction procedure toward the interrogative sentences has changed its types in the translation. Most cases happen in positive yes/no question that changes into declarative yes/no question and wh-information question turns into elliptical question.
Kata Kuncikomik, kalimat interogatif, prosedur penerjemahan
Nama Pembimbing 1Dyah Raina Purwaningsih, S.S., M.Hum.
Nama Pembimbing 2Asrofin Nur Kholifah, S.S., M.Hum.
Jumlah Halaman11
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