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NIM (Student Number)A1M013023
AbstrakKoro pedang (Canavalia ensiformis L.) merupakan jenis pepolongan yang tersebar di seluruh daerah tropis dan telah ternaturalisasi di beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Protein koro pedang telah dipertimbangkan sebagai sumber protein untuk bahan pangan pengganti kedelai karena keseimbangan asam aminonya yang baik, namun hingga saat ini masyarakat masih belum memanfaatkannya secara optimal. Salah satu upaya pemanfaatan koro pedang adalah dengan pembuatan chips koro pedang. Karakteristik fisiknya yang mempunyai kulit luar dan daging kacang yang sangat keras serta adanya zat antigizi menjadi kendala dalam proses pemanfaatan jenis kacang ini di masyarakat. Perlakuan metode pengupasan menggunakan NaOH dan CaCO3 serta hot water blanching merupakan upaya dalam mengurangi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan metode pengupasan kacang koro dengan larutan NaOH dan CaCO3 terhadap sifat kimia, fisikokimia dan sensori chips, 2) Menetapkan waktu hot water blanching yang optimal terhadap sifat kimia, fisikokimia dan sensori chips, 3) Menetapkan proporsi tepung koro dan tapioka yang sesuai untuk pembuatan chips dengan sifat kimia, fisikokimia dan sensori chips yang baik, 4) Menetapkan kombinasi perlakuan terbaik terhadap sifat kimia, fisikokimia dan sensori chips yang dihasilkan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Faktor yang diteliti yaitu metode pengupasan (M): M1= larutan NaOH 3% panas selama 7 menit, M2= perendaman larutan CaCO3 15% selama 1 jam, lama hot water blanching (H): H1= 30 menit dan H2= 40 menit serta proporsi tepung koro-tapioka b/b (P): P1= 60 : 40, P2= 70 : 30, P3= 80 : 20. Kombinasi perlakuan terbaik pada penelitian ini adalah M2H1P1 (pengupasan CaCO3, hot water blanching 30 menit, dan proporsi tepung koro-tapioka 60:40 b/b). Chips koro pedang M2H1P1 memiliki absorbsi minyak 7,77%, derajat pengembangan 26,82 %, kadar air 8,31 %bb, kadar abu 4,02%bb (4,38%bk), kadar protein 11,89%bb (12,97%bk), lemak 0,92%bb (1%bk), karbohidrat (by difference) 74,86%bb (81,64%bk), nilai rasa kacang 3,32 (agak terasa), tekstur 4,13 (renyah), flavor 3,87 (enak), dan kesukaan 3,84 (suka).
Abstrak (Inggris)Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis L.) is a type of leguminosae spread throughout the tropics and has been naturalized in some areas of Indonesia. Jack bean protein has been considered as a source of protein as an alternative to soy protein in food because of its amino acid content, but until now people still do not use it optimally. One of the way to use jack bean is by making jack bean chips. One of physical characteristics of jack bean is it have very hard skin and the existence of antigizi substances become obstacles in the process to use jack bean in food. Peeling with NaOH and CaCO3 and hot water blanching is an effort to reduce the problem. This research aims to: 1) Know the effect of different methods peeling with NaOH and CaCO3 solution to chemical, physicochemical and sensory chips, 2) Establish optimal hot water blanching time on chemical, physicochemical and sensory qualityies of the chips, 3) Establish proportion Suitable jack bean and tapioca flour for the manufacture of chips with good chemical, physicochemical and sensory quality of the chips, 4) Establish the best combination of treatments against chemical, physicochemical and sensory qualities of chips.The experimental design used was Randomized Block Design (RAK). The factors studied were peeling method (M): M1 = 3% hot NaOH solution for 7 minutes, M2 = soaking of 15% CaCO3 solution for 1 hour, hot water blanching period (H): H1 = 30 minutes and H2 = 40 minutes and ratio of tapioca flour and jack bean flour (P) = P = 60: 40, P2 = 70: 30, P3 = 80: 20. The treatments were arranged factorially with 12 treatment combinations and 3 replications so that 36 experimental units were obtained. The results showed that the jack bean is peeled with CaCO3 solution have a lower water content and crisper texture then chips that the jack bean is peeled with NaOH solution, 30 minutes of hot water blanching which results in lower moisture content and oil absorption in the jack bean chips. The proportion of jack bean-tapioca flour which have a good crispy texture, flavor and high preferences is 60: 40% w/w. The result of evaluation of data with effectiveness index showed the best treatment combination of jack bean chips is M2H1P1 (peeling with CaCO3 solution, hot water blanching 30 minutes, and proportion of jack bean-tapioca flour 60:40 w/w). M2H1P1 Jack bean chips have an oil absorption of 7.77%, 26.82% development grade, water content of 8.31% wb, ash content of 4.02% wb (4.38% db), protein content of 11.89% wb ( 12.97% db), fat 0.92% wb (1% db), carbohydrate (by difference) 74.86% wb (81.64% db), peanut flavor 3.32 (slightly noticeable), texture 4 , 13 (crunchy), flavor 3.87 (delicious), and likes 3,84 (like). As an alternative chips M1H1P1 (stripping with NaOH, hot water blanching 30 minutes, and the proportion of jack bean-tapioca flour 60:40 w/ w) which has 7.54% oil absorption, 28.47% development rate, 9.71% wb, ash content of 4.12% wb (4.49% db), peanut flavor 3,09 (slightly noticeable), texture 3.67 (crunchy), flavor 3.62 (delicious), and likes 3,49 ( Rather like).
Kata KunciKoro pedang, NaOH, CaCO3, hot water blanching,tapioka
Nama Pembimbing 1Prof. Dr. Ir. Herastuti Sri Rukmini, M.S.
Nama Pembimbing 2Riana Listanti, S.TP. M.Sc.
Jumlah Halaman21
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