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NIM (Student Number)F1F010061
Judul ArtikelThe Depiction of Prabowo Subianto in Jakarta Post (A Discourse Analysis in Jakarta Post’ Articles about Prabowo Subianto issued from 4th June to 5th July)
AbstrakSalah satu cara untuk mngungkap makna di balik sebuah text, misalnya, koran adalah dengan menggunakan Social Actor Representation (SAR) oleh van Leeuwen (2008). Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka kerja aktor ocial untuk menganalisis artikel The Jakarta Post, salah satu koran Indonesia. Topic ini di pilih di latar belakangi artikel yang di terbitkan oleh The Jakarta Post menyatakan dukungannya pada salah satu kandidat yang membuat Prabowo meragukan kejujuran pada rivalitasnya. Karena itulah penulis ingin mengetaui apakah The Jakarta Post memakai strategi SAR pada artikel mereka terkait pada pengunaan kata, klausa dan ungkapan pada artikelnya. Design penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan juga analisis wacana kritis. Terdapat 6 artikel yang di unduh dari versi publikasi online dari The Jakarta Post pada bulan Juni sampai Juli 2014. Data dianalisis pada beberapa tahap. Pertama, membaca artikel secara menyeluruh. Kedua, menganalisis data berdasarkan teori dari van Leeuwen. Data di kategorikan ke dalam inklusi karena fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana The Jakarta Post menempatkan Prabowo di artikelnya dan inklusi adalah bagaimana penulis text menunjukan dan menempatkan artor sosial ke dalam teks. Terakhir adalah menarik kesimpulan perdasarkan hasil analisis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terungkap bahwa penulis menggunakan strategi inklusi dalam 17 kalimat pada 6 artikel yang memberitakan Prabowo. Strategi inklusi itu antara lain Differentiation–Indifferentiation, Objectivation–Abstraction, Nomination–Categorization, Nomination–Identification, Determination-Indetermination, and Assimilation–Individualization as well as Association–Dissociation. Hasilnya, dari 17 data hanya 4 yang bersifat negatif sementara sisanya bersifat netral. Hanya sedikit penggabaran netagif Prabowo yang dapat di liat dari pemilihan katanya. The Jakarta Post hati-hati dalam pemilihan kata untuk menghindari gambaran negative.
Abstrak (Inggris) Social Actor Representation (SAR) proposed by van Leeuwen (2008) is one of the ways to uncover the intended meaning or perspective behind a certain text, for example, newspaper. In this research, the social actor framework is adopted to analyze Indonesian newspaper, The Jakarta Post as one of the prominent Indonesian newspapers. The issue was chosen based on an article posted by the Jakarta post declaring the newspaper’s support to the other candidate which made Prabowo doubtful about the fairness in the rivalry. Therefore, the researcher wanted to analyze whether the newspapers articles adopted particular SAR strategies in reporting its news related to that speculation through investigating the use of words, clauses and expressions were written in the text. This research adopted descriptive qualitative as well as Critical Discourse Analysis approach as the research design. The data were 6 articles downloaded from The Jakarta Post online version published on June to August 2014. The data were analyzed on some stages. First was reading the whole articles in order to get slightly overview about data. Second was analyzing the data based on the theory proposed by van Leeuwen. The data were categorized into inclusion as the focus on this research was in how The Jakarta Post put Prabowo in the articles since inclusion is where the writers showed and performed the existence of certain actor in the text. The last was making a conclusion based on the result of the data analysis. Based on the analysis, the findings revealed that the writer of the article adopted inclusion in 17 sentences from 6 articles on reporting issued on Prabowo. The inclusion strategy consist of Differentiation–Indifferentiation, Objectivation–Abstraction, Nomination–Categorization, Nomination–Identification, Determination-Indetermination, and Assimilation–Individualization as well as Association–Dissociation. As the result, from total of 17 data 4 data can be classified as a negative representation of Prabow Subianto and the rest 13 data are neutral representation. There are only a few representation of Prabowo that can be categorized as negative representation by the choice of the word. Jakarta post still carefully chose the word to depict Prabowo in the articles.
Kata Kunci
Nama Pembimbing 1Drs. Ashari, M.Pd.
Nama Pembimbing 2Indriyati Hadiningrum, S.S., M.Pd.
Jumlah Halaman11
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