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NIM (Student Number)F1F010025
AbstrakAngga Yulianra Subiakto, Firsta. 2017.The Effectiveness of Using C.A.L.L. (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Spaced Repetition System in Improving Students’ English Speaking Skill (Experimental Design of the Second Grade Students in SMAN 3 Purwokerto). Thesis. Supervisor 1: Slamet Riyadi, S.S., M.Pd. Supervisor 2: Tuti Purwati, S.S.,M.Pd, Examiner: Erna Wardani, S.Pd., M.Hum. Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Jenderal Soedirman University. Faculty of Humanities. English Department. English Study Program. Purwokerto. Learning language consists of four basic skills that are really important for the learner. One of basic skills is speaking skill. Any various ways of teaching which can increase the students’ interest is Learning English especially speaking skill. The main concern of this research is about “The Effectiveness of Using C.A.L.L. (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Spaced Repetition System in Improving Students’ English Speaking Skill”. The purpose of this research are (1) to give more information about the use of CALL spaced repetition system in improving students’ English speaking skill. (2) to find out the effetiveness of using CALL spaced repetition system to improve the students’ ability in speaking skill. (3) to find out the perception of the teacher and the students who have different learning styles in using CALL spaced repetition system. The data used for the analysis were taken from second grade students of SMAN 3 Purwokerto. The total population is 282 students divided into 8 classes. There were 49 students for the sample The data collections were taken from test, questionnaires, observation, and interview. The research belongs to en experimental research. The research used two classes. There were experimental and control classes. It describes that the effect of giving treatment of CALL spaced repetition system as the method to improve students’ English speaking skill to an experimental class. It was conducted to obtain the effect between two or more variables in experimental and control group The result of the research showed an improvement of students English speaking skill. It could be seen from the mean of experimental class which got increased from 63,4 in pre test to 75,32 in post test. It also supported by the result of questionnaires and interview that most of students in experimental class felt more enthusiastic and motivated in learning speaking using CALL spaced repetition system. Based on the research above, it showed that the use of CALL spaced repetition system gave good effect in improving the students’ ability and motivation in speaking skill. This research is expected to give benefits for the teachers and students for improving students’ English speaking skill, and to the students of English literature program as the reference for them who are interested in conducting similar research.
Abstrak (Inggris)Angga Yulianra Subiakto, Firsta. 2017.The Effectiveness of Using C.A.L.L. (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Spaced Repetition System in Improving Students’ English Speaking Skill (Experimental Design of the Second Grade Students in SMAN 3 Purwokerto). Thesis. Supervisor 1: Slamet Riyadi, S.S., M.Pd. Supervisor 2: Tuti Purwati, S.S.,M.Pd, Examiner: Erna Wardani, S.Pd., M.Hum. Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Jenderal Soedirman University. Faculty of Humanities. English Department. English Study Program. Purwokerto. Learning language consists of four basic skills that are really important for the learner. One of basic skills is speaking skill. Any various ways of teaching which can increase the students’ interest is Learning English especially speaking skill. The main concern of this research is about “The Effectiveness of Using C.A.L.L. (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Spaced Repetition System in Improving Students’ English Speaking Skill”. The purpose of this research are (1) to give more information about the use of CALL spaced repetition system in improving students’ English speaking skill. (2) to find out the effetiveness of using CALL spaced repetition system to improve the students’ ability in speaking skill. (3) to find out the perception of the teacher and the students who have different learning styles in using CALL spaced repetition system. The data used for the analysis were taken from second grade students of SMAN 3 Purwokerto. The total population is 282 students divided into 8 classes. There were 49 students for the sample The data collections were taken from test, questionnaires, observation, and interview. The research belongs to en experimental research. The research used two classes. There were experimental and control classes. It describes that the effect of giving treatment of CALL spaced repetition system as the method to improve students’ English speaking skill to an experimental class. It was conducted to obtain the effect between two or more variables in experimental and control group The result of the research showed an improvement of students English speaking skill. It could be seen from the mean of experimental class which got increased from 63,4 in pre test to 75,32 in post test. It also supported by the result of questionnaires and interview that most of students in experimental class felt more enthusiastic and motivated in learning speaking using CALL spaced repetition system. Based on the research above, it showed that the use of CALL spaced repetition system gave good effect in improving the students’ ability and motivation in speaking skill. This research is expected to give benefits for the teachers and students for improving students’ English speaking skill, and to the students of English literature program as the reference for them who are interested in conducting similar research.
Kata Kuncispaced repetition system, C.A.L.L.(Computer Assisted Language Learning), speaking.
Nama Pembimbing 1Slamet Riyadi, S.S., M.Pd
Nama Pembimbing 2Tuti Purwati , S.S., M.Pd
Jumlah Halaman152
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