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NIM (Student Number)F1B113022
Judul ArtikelPengaruh Persepsi tentang Kepemimpinan, Motivasi dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Dinas Arsip dan Perpustakaan Daerah Kabupaten Banyumas
AbstrakPenelitianiniberjudul “PengaruhPersepsitentangKepemimpinan, MotivasidanDisiplinKerjaterhadapKinerjaPegawai di DinasArsipdanPerpustakaan Daerah KabupatenBanyumas”.Permasalahanutamaadalahkinerjapegawai di DinasArsipdanPerpustakaan Daerah KabupatenBanyumas yang akandipengaruhiolehPersepsitentangKepemimpinan, MotivasidanDisiplinKerja. TujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuidanmenganalisisbesarnyapengaruhPersepsitentangKepemimpinan, MotivasidanDisiplinKerjaterhadapKinerjaPegawai di DinasArsipdanPerpustakaan Daerah KabupatenBanyumas.Penelitianinimenggunakanmetodepenelitiankuantitatifdenganpendekatanmetode survey, denganteknikpengumpulan data melaluikuesionerdandokumentasi.Metodeanalisis yang digunakanmenggunakanperhitunganstatistikKorelasi Product Moment, KorelasiParsial, KorelasiGandadanRegresiGanda, dengansasaranpenelitianpegawai di DinasArsipdanPerpustakaan Daerah KabupatenBanyumassebanyak 38 pegawai.Berdasarkanhasilanalisissecarakuantitatifdalampenelitianinidapatdijelaskansebagaiberikut: (1) Terdapatpengaruh yang signifikanantaraPersepsitentangKepemimpinanterhadapKinerjaPegawaisebesar 0,276. (2) Terdapatpengaruh yang signifikanantaraMotivasiterhadapKinerjaPegawaisebesar 0,860 (3) Terdapatpengaruh yang signifikanantaraDisiplinKerjaterhadapKinerjaPegawaisebesar 0,361 (4) Terdapatpengaruh yang signifikanantaraPersepsitentangKepemimpinan, MotivasidanDisiplinKerjaterhadapKinerjaPegawaidengan R square sebesar 0,633 atau 63,3% disebabkanolehvariabeltersebutdansisanya 36,7% disebabkanvariabellainnya. Olehkarenanyakeseluruhanhipotesispenelitiandapatditerima.Kata kunci: DisiplinKerja, KinerjaPegawai, MotivasidanPersepsitentangKepemimpinan
Abstrak (Inggris)This research entitled "The Effect of Perceptions on Leadership, Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance in the Office of Archives and Regional Library of Banyumas Regency". The main problem is the performance of employees in the Office of Archives and Regional Library of Banyumas Regency which will be influenced by Perceptions of Leadership, Motivation and Work Discipline.The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the magnitude of the influence of Perceptions on Leadership, Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance in the Office of Archives and Regional Library of Banyumas Regency. This research uses quantitative research method with survey method approach, with data collection technique through questioner and documentation. The method of analysis used statistical calculation of Product Moment Correlation, Partial Correlation, Multiple Correlation and Double Regression, with the target of employee's research in Archives and Library of Banyumas Regency as many as 38 employees.Based on the results of quantitative analysis in this study can be explained as follows: (1) There is a significant influence between Perceptions of Leadership on Employee Performance of 0.276. (2) There is a significant influence between the Motivation on Employee Performance of 0.860 (3) There is a significant influence between the Work Discipline on Employee Performance of 0.361 (4) There is a significant influence between Perceptions of Leadership, Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance with R Square of 0.633 or 63.3% caused by these variables and the remaining 36.7% due to other variables. Therefore the whole research hypothesis is acceptable. Keywords: Employee Performance, Motivation, Perception of Leadership and Work Discipline
Kata KunciEmployee Performance, Motivation, Perception of Leadership and Work Discipline
Nama Pembimbing 1Drs. Mahmud Setiahadi, M.Si
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Sukarso, M.Si
Jumlah Halaman13
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