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NIM (Student Number)G1B013029
AbstrakLatar Belakang: Kabupaten Banyumas merupakan salah satu daerah dengan kasus DBD selalu tinggi setiap tahunnya. Kasus DBD di Kabupaten Banyumas sepanjang tahun 2016 tercatat sebanyak 990 kasus dan terjadi KLB DBD pada periode 14 Februari sampai dengan 31 Maret dengan jumlah kematian sebanyak 7 orang. Tujuan penelitian adalah menjelaskan gambaran hasil analisis spasial KLB DBD di Kabupaten Banyumas, Propinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2016. Metodologi: Jenis penelitian deskriptif desain studi ekologi. Sampel penelitian dengan teknik total sampling sebanyak 404 orang. Analisis data menggunakan metode spasial pendekatan elementary analysis of disease, Nearest Neighbour Index, Cluster analaysis dan Convex hulls. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa KLB DBD tahun 2016 tersebar merata di 27 Kecamatan dan berpola mengelompok. Kasus didominasi oleh kelompok perempuan dan kategori usia produktif. Ditemukan 2 kelompok kluster berdasarkan tanggal sakit, Kasus lebih banyak ditemukan di wilayah perkotaan yang padat penduduk, kasus mengikuti pola tataguna lahan permukiman, serta kasus terjadi di wilayah dengan intensitas curah hujan sangat lebat. Sebagian besar kasus berada pada jarak 1-2 km dari fasilitas kesehatan Puskesmas dan 7 km dari Rumah Sakit. Kesimpulan: Pola kasus KLB DBD di Kabupaten Banyumas adalah mengelompok dan teridentifikasi 2 kluster di wilayah perdesaan dan di wilayah pusat kota. Kata Kunci : Analisis Spasial, DBD, KLB, Banyumas.
Abstrak (Inggris)ABSTRACT Background: Banyumas Regency is one of the areas with high DHF cases every year. Dengue fever cases in Banyumas district during the year 2016 was recorded as 990 cases and Dengue outbreaks occurred in the period of February 14 to March 31 with the number of deaths as many as 7 people. The purpose of this study is to describe of spatial analysis of DHF outbreaks in Banyumas District, Central Java Province in 2016. Methodology: This study is descriptive, ecological studies. Research sample was collected using total sampling technique counted 404 people. Data analysis using analysis method, neighbor analysis, index analysis, dynamic analysis and Convex ridge. Results: The results showed that outbreaks of dengue fever in 2016 spread evenly in 27 subdistricts and in clustered pattern. Cases are dominated by women's groups and productive age categories. Two cluster groups were found based on the date of illness. More cases were found in densely populated urban areas, cases following settlement land use patterns, and incidents in areas with very heavy rainfall intensity. Most cases have a distance of 1-2 km from health facilities of community health centers and 7 km from the Hospital. Conclusion: The case pattern of dengue outbreak in Banyumas Regency is clustered and two clusters were identified in rural and downtown area. Keywords: Spatial Analysis, DHF, Outbreak, Banyumas.
Kata KunciAnalisis Spasial, DBD, KLB, Banyumas.
Nama Pembimbing 1Siti Nurhayati, S.Pt, M.Kes
Nama Pembimbing 2Devi Octaviana, S.Si, M.Kes
Jumlah Halaman11
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