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NIM (Student Number)G1B012014
AbstrakLatar Belakang : Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia sedang membuat Rancangan Undang-Undang Pertembakauan yang mendapat pertentangan dari sisi kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi stakeholders terhadap RUUP dalam perspektif kesehatan. Metodologi : Kualitatif dengan desain naratif menggunakan penentuan informan metode purposive sampling. Hasil Penelitian : Stakeholders yang terlibat dalam RUUP diidentifikasikan menjadi stakeholders resmi yaitu anggota DPR RI. Sedangkan, pakar, TCSC IAKMI dan Komisi Nasional Pengendalian Tembakau termasuk dalam stakeholders tidak resmi. Persepsi stakeholders mengenai landasan filosofis RUU Pertembakauan dalam perspektif kesehatan bahwa RUUP diharapkan mampu memuat hak kesehatan masyarakat, RUUP tidak sesuai dengan hak atas perlindungan lingkungan yang baik dan sehat, RUUP hanya melindungi masyarakat tertentu yang akhirnya merugikan kesehatan masyarakat. Persepsi stakeholders berdasarkan landasan sosiologis menyebutkan bahwa RUUP harus mencakup kepentingan industri, pertanian, ekonomi, dan kesehatan. Kenaikan produksi rokok tentu akan diiringi dengan kenaikan konsumsinya, serta tujuan dalam pembuatan undang-undang yang saling bertolak belakang tidak mungkin dapat disatukan dalam sebuah UU. Persepsi stakeholder mengenai RUUP berdasarkan landasan yuridis dalam perspektif kesehatan adalah harus adanya sinkronisasi antar UU, kenyataan bahwa RUUP yang berkontradiksi dengan UU Kesehatan, adanya kemungkinan hilangnya PP 109 No 12, dan RUUP bertentangan dengan 14 UU lain. Kesimpulan : Adanya persepsi negatif mengenai RUU Pertembakauan dari sisi kesehatan.
Abstrak (Inggris)Background : The House of Representative of Republic of Indonesia is currently creating the draft regulations for tobacco issue which contradicts with the health perspective. The aim of this study is to know the perspective of the stakeholders towards the tobacco draft regulation within health’s perspective. Methodology : Qualitative with narrative types of study, using purposive sampling method. Result: Stakeholders who are involved in the tobacco draft regulation are identified as the formal stakeholders which are the member of the house of representative of republic of indonesia. Besides that, The Experts, TCSC IAKMI, and The National Commision on Tobacco Control as the non formal stakeholders. The perceptions of stakeholders regarding the philosophical basis of tobacco draft regulation are that the tobacco draft regulation is expected to claim the rights for the public health, the tobacco draft regulation is not suitable for the enviromental protection, also tobacco draft regulation only protect certain communities, which leads to harming public health. The result of this study based on the sosiological basis of the tobacco draft regulation within the stakeholders are the tobacco draft regulation must include the interest of the industry, agriculture, economics, and the public health itself. The increasing of cigarette production sure will be followed by the increasing of consumption of cigarette, and the aim of creating the regulation which contradicts can not be united. The result of the tobacco regulation draft based on juridical basis within health perspective are, there must be synchronization between the regulations, the fact that tobacco draft regulation contradicts with the health regulation, PP 109 No.12 removal, and the tobacco draft regulation which contradicts with other regulations. Conclusion : The negative perception of the Tobacco draft regulations among the health’s perspective of the Stakeholders.
Kata Kuncistakeholders, RUU Pertembakauan, kesehatan
Nama Pembimbing Budi Aji SKM., M.Sc
Nama Pembimbing 2Siti Masfiah SKM., M.Kes. M.A
Jumlah Halaman10
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