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NIM (Student Number)A1M013004
AbstrakKandungan nutrisi yang masih cukup tinggi membuat ampas kelapa memungkinkan untuk diolah menjadi bahan pangan, melalui pembuatan tepung ampas kelapa. Tepung ampas kelapa dapat diolah menjadi produk pangan fungsional, seperti cookies tepung ampas kelapa. Bahan dasar pembuatan cookies adalah tepung terigu, margarin, telur, dan gula. Namun penggunaan tepung ampas kelapa masih memerlukan subtitusi dari tepung lain, dikarenakan kandungan gluten dan protein yang rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : 1. Pengaruh subsitusi tepung ampas kelapa dan pati jagung terhadap karakteristik cookies ampas kelapa; 2. Pengaruh penambahan VCO sebagai pengganti margarin pada karakteristik cookies ampas kelapa; 3. Pengaruh kombinasi perlakuan terhadap karakteristik cookies ampas kelapa. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK). Dua faktor yang diuji yaitu yaitu : proporsi tepung (tepung ampas kelapa : pati jagung : tepung terigu) (A), terdiri atas: A1= 50%:20%:20%, A2= 55%:15%:30%, A3 = 50%:10%:40%; proporsi dan jenis emulsi (margarin dan VCO) (K), K1= 70% margarin K2= 80% margarin, K3=70% VCO, K4= 80% VCO. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan yang nyata pada setiap perlakuan, untuk variabel kimia maupun sensori. Penambahan proposi tepung ampas kelapa dan pati jagung meningkatkan kadar air, kadar abu, kadar serat kasar, kadar lemak, kadar protein terlarut dan kadar gula reduksi. Penambahan VCO menurunkan kadar air, kadar abu, kadar serat kasar, kadar lemak, kadar protein terlarut dan kadar gula reduksi. Kombinasi perlakuan proporsi tepung dengan proporsi dan jenis emulsi meningkatkan skor aroma, rasa dan tekstur, menurunkan skor warna dan kesukaan.
Abstrak (Inggris)The nutrient content of coconut pulp flour is still high, therefore it possible to use as food inggredient, such as coconut pulp flour. Coconut pulp flour can be processed into functional food products, such as coconut pulp flour cookies. The basic ingredients of making cookies are wheat flour, margarine, egg, and sugar. Coconut pulp flour low gluten and protein content, therefore in its application need to substitute with other flour. The purpose of this research are: 1. To study the effect of coconut plup flour and corn starch substitution on coconut pulp flour cookies characteristics; 2. To study the effect of VCO addition as margarine substitute on the coconut pulp flour cookies characteristics; 3.To study the combination of those treatmens effect on coconut plup flour cookies characteristics. In this study the experimental design used Randomized Block Design (RBD. There are two factors that tried: proportion of flour (coconut pulp flour: corn starch: wheat flour) (A), with where: A1 = 50%: 20%: 20%, A2 = 55%: 15%: 30% and, A3 = 50 %: 10%: 40%; proportion and type of emulsion (margarine and VCO) (K), with K1 = 70% margarine K2 = 80% margarine, K3 = 70% VCO, K4 = 80% VCO. Results of the study showed that there was a significant difference in each treatment, for chemical and sensory variables. The addition of the coconut pulp flour and corn starch increases moisture content, ash content, fiber content, fat content, dissolved protein content and reducing sugar content on the cookies produced. The addition of VCO decreases of water content, ash content, fiber content, fat content, dissolved protein content and reducing sugar content on the cookies produced. The combination of the proportion treatment of flour with the proportion and type of emulsion increases the scores of flavor, taste and texture, decreases the scores of color and panelist preference on the cookies produced.
Kata KunciTepung ampas kelapa, VCO, Margarin, Cookies
Nama Pembimbing 1Dra. Erminawati, M.Sc., Ph.D
Nama Pembimbing 2Riana Listanti, S.TP., M.Sc
Jumlah Halaman20
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