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NIM (Student Number)B1J013078
Nama MahasiswaNAUFAL RIFQI
Judul ArtikelPengaruh Perlakuan NAA dan IBA terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Daun Begonia Rex
AbstrakA study on the effect of variation of IBA and NAA hormones concentration toward slip of leave of Begonia rex growth and to increase it is productivity in the way of vegetative propagation of plants is done. This study is Complete Randomized Design (CRD) which consists of seven treatment which are control, 10 ppm NAA, 20 ppm NAA, 30 ppm NAA, 5 ppm IBA, 10 ppm IBA, and 15 ppm IBA which multiplied for three times, then planted in sand, charcoal of husk, and manure mix medium. Parameter which observed in this study are when budding appeared, total of buds, total of roots, and total of leaves. The result of analysis varience showed that the given of defferent concentrtation of IBA and NAA to slip of leave Begonia rex is not significally influence towards when budding appeared, total of buds, and total of roots while significally influence towards total of leaves, in the treatment of 10 ppm NAA with 11,3 median valve.
Abstrak (Inggris)A study on the effect of variation of IBA and NAA hormones concentration toward slip of leave of Begonia rex growth and to increase it is productivity in the way of vegetative propagation of plants is done. This study is Complete Randomized Design (CRD) which consists of seven treatment which are control, 10 ppm NAA, 20 ppm NAA, 30 ppm NAA, 5 ppm IBA, 10 ppm IBA, and 15 ppm IBA which multiplied for three times, then planted in sand, charcoal of husk, and manure mix medium. Parameter which observed in this study are when budding appeared, total of buds, total of roots, and total of leaves. The result of analysis varience showed that the given of defferent concentrtation of IBA and NAA to slip of leave Begonia rex is not significally influence towards when budding appeared, total of buds, and total of roots while significally influence towards total of leaves, in the treatment of 10 ppm NAA with 11,3 median valve.
Kata KunciSetek daun, Begonia rex, IBA, NAA
Nama Pembimbing 1Drs. Rochmatino, M. Si
Nama Pembimbing 2Dra. Kamsinah, M. P
Jumlah Halaman42
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