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NIM (Student Number)A1L013048
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengkaji pengaruh aplikasi pupuk hayati mikoriza+Trichoderma sp. terhadap kebutuhan air, titik layu permanen, berat jenis isi, berat jenis partikel, porositas, batas cair, batas berubah warna dan hasil tanaman bawang merah pada tanah ultisol, 2) mengkaji pengaruh aplikasi pupuk kimia pabrikan terhadap kebutuhan air, titik layu permanen, berat jenis isi, berat jenis partikel, porositas, batas cair, batas berubah warna dan hasil tanaman bawang merah pada tanah ultisol, 3) menentukan titik optimasi pemberian gabungan pupuk hayati mikoriza+Trichoderma sp. dan pupuk kimia pabrikan serta menentukan interaksi yang terjadi terhadap variabel yang signifikan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada April sampai September 2017 di screen house Fakultas Pertanian dan Laboratorium Tanah/Sumberdaya Lahan, Unsoed, Purwokerto. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL) dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama yakni dosis pupuk hayati mikoriza+Trichoderma sp. yang terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu H1 = 10 g mikoriza+0 gram Trichoderma sp./polibag, H2 = 20 g mikoriza+10 gram Trichoderma sp./polibag, H3 = 30 g mikoriza+20 gram Trichoderma sp./polibag. Faktor kedua adalah penggunaan dosis pupuk kimia pabrikan yang terdiri dari 2 macam dan 1 kontrol, yaitu P0= kontrol (dosis pupuk kimia pabrikan 0 %), P1= dosis pupuk kimia pabrikan 50 %, P2 = dosis pupuk kimia pabrikan 100 %. Percobaan diulang 3 kali dengan 9 kombinasi sehingga diperoleh 27 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengaplikasian mikoriza+Trichoderma sp. berpengaruh terhadap kebutuhan air tanaman dan berat jenis partikel, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap batas cair, batas berubah warna, berat jenis isi, porositas, titik layu permanen, tinggi tanaman, bobot umbi segar, dan bobot umbi kering. Pengaplikasian pupuk kimia pabrikan berpengaruh terhadap kebutuhan air tanaman dan batas cair, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap berat jenis isi, berat jenis partikel, batas berubah warna, porositas, titik layu permanen, bobot umbi segar, bobot umbi kering dan tinggi tanaman. Titik optimasi kebutuhan air tanaman pada penggunaan pupuk hayati sebesar 5,302 L/tanaman, sedangkan pada pupuk kimia pabrikan sebesar 5,336 L/tanaman, dan titik optimasi penggunaan pupuk hayati pada variabel kebutuhan air tanaman sebesar 32,855 g/tanaman, sedangkan pada penggunaan pupuk kimia pabrikan sebesar 53,226 %. Titik optimasi berat jenis partikel pada penggunaan pupuk kimia pabrikan sebesar 2,360 g/cm3, dan titik optimasi penggunaan pupuk hayati pada variabel berat jenis partikel sebesar 68,693 g/tanaman. Titik optimasi batas cair pada penggunaan pupuk kimia pabrikan sebesar 43,007 %, dan titik optimasi penggunaan pupuk kimia pabrikan variabel batas cair sebesar 2,056 %.
Abstrak (Inggris)This study aims to: 1) to examine the effect of the biological fertilizer application mycorrhiza+Trichoderma sp. to the water requirement, the point of permanent wilting, the characteristics of physical soil (the density of content, the density of particles, porosity, the limit of liquid, the limit of changes color) and the product of onion on the ultisol, 2) to examine the effect of chemical fertilizer manufacturer toward the water requirement, the point of permanent wilting, the characteristics of physical soil (the density of content, the density of particles, porosity, the limit of liquid, the limit of changes color) and the product of onion on the ultisol, 3) to determine the point of the combined optimization of biological fertilizer mycorrhiza+Trichoderma sp. and chemical fertilizer manufactured and determine the interactions that occur on a significant variable. The research was conducted from April to September 2017 in the screen house the Faculty of Agriculture and Soil Laboratory/Land Resources, Unsoed, Purwokerto. The experimental design used was a complete randomized block design (RAKL) with two factors. The biological fertilizer dose mycorrhiza+Trichoderma sp. which consists of three levels ie H1 = 10 g mycorrhiza and 0 g of Trichoderma sp./polybag, H2 = 20 g mycorrhiza and 10 g of Trichoderma sp./polybag, H3 = 30 g mycorrhiza and 20 g of Trichoderma sp./polybag. The second factor is the use of chemical fertilizer manufacturer which consists of 2 and 1 control ie P0= control (the use of chemical fertilizer manufacturer 0%), P1= use of chemical fertilizer manufacturer 50%, P2 = use of chemical fertilizer manufacturer 100%. The experiment was repeated three times with a 9 combination thus obtained 27 experimental units. The results showed that the application of mycorrhiza +Trichoderma sp. effect on crop water needs and density of particles, but does not affect the liquid limit, the limit changed color, density content, porosity, permanent wilting point, plant height, fresh tuber weight, and the weight of dried tubers. The application of chemical fertilizer manufacturer affect the water requirements of plants and the liquid limit, but does not affect the contents of specific gravity, density of particles, the boundary change color, porosity, permanent wilting point, fresh tuber weight, tuber dry weight and plant height. Point optimization of crop water requirements on the use of biological fertilizers amounted to 5.302 L/plant, while chemical fertilizer factory of 5.336 L/plants, and point optimization of the use of biological fertilizer at variable crop water requirement of 32.855 g/plant, while the use of chemical fertilizers manufacturer of 53.226%. Optimization point density of particles on the use of chemical fertilizers manufacturer of 2.360 g/cm3,and the point of optimum use of biological fertilizers on variable particle density of 68.693 g/plant. Optimization point liquid limit on the use of chemical fertilizers manufacturer of 43.007%, and the optimization point of chemical fertilizer use variable manufacturing the liquid limit of 2.056%.
Kata KunciKata kunci : Bawang merah, kebutuhan air, mikoriza+Trichoderma sp., ultisol.
Nama Pembimbing 1Ir. Begananda, M.S.
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Ir. Ismangil, M.S.
Jumlah Halaman21
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