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NIM (Student Number)C2C016001
Judul ArtikelThe Effect of Leader Member Exchange to Dimensions of Readiness for Change
AbstrakPerubahan dalam organisasi telah menjadi suatu keharusan bagi perusahaan dalam rangka menjaga kelangsungan bisnisnya. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia merupakan salah satu Bank BUMN Komerisal yang sedang melakukan transformasi organisasi secara masif baik sektor SDM maupun proses bisnisnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor interaksi internal karyawan antar atasan dengan bawahan (struktural) dalam mempengaruhi kesiapan karyawan menghadapi perubahan. Kesiapan karyawan dalam menghadapi perubahan itu sendiri ditinjau dari tiga dimensi pribadi karyawan secara persepsional yaitu; appropriateness of the change, need for change, dan understanding of the change.
Abstrak (Inggris)Organizational change has been a must for companies in preserving their sustainability. PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia is one of the Indonesian state-owned companies which is now transforming massively both in its human resource sector and business process. The objective of this research is to explore deeper understanding about to what extent the influence of internal interaction between leader and member in organization structure towards employee’s readiness for change. The employee readiness for change itself are viewed from five perception employee’s personal dimensions; appropriateness of the change, need for change, and understanding of the change. The result using logistic regression test shows that leader-member interaction (LMX) has significance impact appropriateness of the change, need for change, and understanding of the change. The study can infer that, for organisation, the most important thing to create employee’s readiness for change is to provide adequate “climate” from top-down to create readiness for change holistically and the belief that the change itself will bring the organization to reach goals.
Kata KunciOrganizational Change; Leader-Member Exchange; Readiness for Change; Appropriateness of the Change; Need for Change; Understanding of the Change.
Nama Pembimbing 1Wiwiek R Adawiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Ade Irma Anggraeni, SE., M.Si.
Jumlah Halaman7
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