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NIM (Student Number)D1A016020
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan perbedaan kualitas internal telur itik di tingkat peternak Wilayah Tegal dan Pemalang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode survey dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling. Setiap wilayah diambil 20 sampel peternak itik, dan setiap peternak diambil sampel telur 10 butir. Jadi jumlah telur setiap wilayah 200 butir, sehingga total telur itik 400 butir. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelompok Tani Ternak “Kemiri Barat” dan “Satelit Sejahtera” untuk wilayah Tegal, serta “Bulusari” dan “Klareyan” untuk wilayah Pemalang. Pengukuran kualitas internal telur itik dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Produksi Ternak Unggas, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Analisis data menggunakan uji T. Variabel yang diukur meliputi haugh unit (HU), bobot albumen, bobot yolk, serta rasio yolk dan albumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rataan haugh unit telur itik di Wilayah Tegal sebesar 81,84+-4,42 dan Pemalang sebesar 75,90+-4,97. Rataan bobot albumen telur itik di Wilayah Tegal sebesar 33,34+-1,66 g dan Pemalang sebesar 32,61+-1,85 g. Rataan bobot yolk telur itik di Wilayah Tegal sebesar 24,13+-1,44 g dan Pemalang sebesar 24,79+-2,04 g. Rataan rasio yolk dan albumen telur itik di Wilayah Tegal sebesar 72,80+-1,93% dan Pemalang sebesar 76,66+-4,33%. Hasil uji t menunjukkan haugh unit, serta rasio yolk dan albumen berbeda nyata, sedangkan bobot albumen dan yolk berbeda tidak nyata. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa itik Tegal yang dipelihara peternak Wilayah Tegal menghasilkan kualitas internal telur yang lebih baik dibandingkan Wilayah Pemalang.
Abstrak (Inggris)The purpose of this study were to determine and compare the differences in internal quality of duck eggs at the level of Tegal and Pemalang farmers. The method used in this research was survey method with purposive sampling. Each area was taken 20 samples of duck farmers, and each sample was taken from 10 eggs. Total of duck eggs in each region were 200, and the total of duck eggs from two region are 400 eggs. The research was carried out in the Livestock Farmers Group “Kemiri Barat” dan “Satelit Sejahtera” for the Tegal Region, and “Bulusari” and “Klareyan” for the Pemalang Region. Internal quality measurements of duck eggs are carried out at the Poultry Production Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Jenderal Soedirman University. Data analysis using T test. The measured variables included haugh unit (HU), albumen weight, yolk weight, and yolk and albumen ratio. The results showed the average of haugh unit in duck eggs from Tegal Region was 81,84+-4,42 and Pemalang Region was 75,90+-4,97. The average of albumen weight in duck eggs from Tegal Region was 33,34+-1,66 and Pemalang Region was 32,61+-1,85 g. The average of yolk weight in duck eggs from Tegal Region was 24,13+-1,44 g and Pemalang Region was 24,79+-2,04 g. The average of yolk and albumen ratio in duck eggs from Tegal Region was 72,80+-1,93% and Pemalang Region was 76,66+-4,33%. T test results showed haugh unit, the ratio of yolk and albumen significantly different. It can be concluded that the Tegal ducks that are maintained by farmers of Tegal Region produced better internal quality of eggs than Pemalang Region.
Kata KunciTelur itik Tegal, haugh unit, bobot albumen, bobot yolk, rasio yolk dan albumen.
Nama Pembimbing 1Prof. Dr. Ismoyowati, S.Pt., M.P.
Nama Pembimbing 2Ir. Ibnu Hari Sulistyawan, M.Sc
Jumlah Halaman7
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