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NIM (Student Number)G1F008086
Nama MahasiswaIvo Putry Perwira Sary
AbstrakRisedronate salah satu dari golongan bifosfonate merupakan pilihan dalam terapi osteoporosis. Evaluasi penggunaan risedronate penting dilakukan karena risedronate tergolong obat spesifik yang hanya digunakan untuk osteoporosis, memiliki adverse event terhadap GI dan harganya mahal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan risedronate pada pasien osteoporosis di Rumah Sakit Orthopaedi Purwokerto berdasarkan kriteria yang meliputi indication, process indicators, complication dan outcome measure. Kriteria dibuat berdasarkan jurnal-jurnal ilmiah dan text book (Drug Use Evaluation) yang relevan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif evaluatif dengan sampel sejumlah 23 data rekam medik pasien rawat inap yang menggunakan risedronate. Analisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan antara data dan kriteria. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ketepatan indikasi sudah tepat (100%). Process indicators meliputi dosis sudah tepat (100%), faktor risiko yang mengakibatkan gangguan GI sejumlah 6 pasien (26,09%), kontra indikasi dengan ClCr < 30 ml/menit sejumlah 1 pasien (4,35%), interaksi yang potensial terjadi terhadap NSAID sejumlah 6 pasien (26,09%) dan terhadap antasida 2 pasien (8,70%). Complication yang mungkin terjadi dengan efek mual muntah, diare, dyspepsia dan abdominal pain sejumlah 10 pasien (43,49%). Outcome measure dengan pasien yang memeriksakan kembali nilai BMD (T-score) dan mengalami kenaikan hanya ada 5 pasien (21,74%), sedangkan pasien yang berkurang keluhan klinisnya sejumlah 22 pasien (95,65%). Kata kunci : osteoporosis, risedronate, Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat (EPO), Rumah Sakit Orthopaedi Purwokerto (RSOP)
Abstrak (Inggris)Risedronate is the group of bifosfonate. It was used as an option the treatment of osteoporosis. Evaluation of using risedronate is being important because risedronate is spesific drug for osteoporosis, has adverse event to GI, and has expensive price. The purpose of this study is to evaluate utilization of risedronate to patients with osteoporosis at Rumah Sakit Orthopaedi Purwokerto based on criterias that include the indication, process indicators, complication and outcome measure. The criterias are based on relevant scientific journals and text books (Drug Use Evaluation). The method of this study was descriptive evaluative which observed medical record of 23 patients using risedronate. Data was analysized by comparing data and criteria. The results of this study demonstrated that the reliability of indications are correct (100%). Process indicators include the dosage is correct (100%), the risk factors that lead to GI disorders by 6 patients (26.09%), contraindications to ClCr <30 ml/min number 1 patient (4.35%), potential interactions that occur against NSAID was amount 6 patients (26.09%) and the antacid was 2 patients (8.70%). Complication that may occur with the effects of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia and abdominal pain was amount 10 patients (43.49%). Outcome measure of patients examined BMD (T-score) and has increased only 5 patients (21.74%), whereas patients with clinical complaints reduced amount of 22 patients (95.65%). Key words: osteoporosis, risedronate, Drug Use Evaluation (DUE), Rumah Sakit Orthopaedi Purwokerto (RSOP)
Kata Kunciosteoporosis, risedronate, Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat (EPO), Rumah Sakit Orthopaedi Purwokerto (RSOP)
Nama Pembimbing 1Tunggul Adi Purwonugroho, M.Sc., Apt.
Nama Pembimbing 2Hanif Nasiatul Baroroh, M.Sc., Apt.
Jumlah Halaman12
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