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NIM (Student Number)H1D007077
Nama MahasiswaRIAN YUSHAK
AbstrakKendaraan yang menuju ataupun meninggalkan Purwokerto terus meningkat tiap tahun, khusus pada ruas jalan yang terdapat parkir di badan jalan (on-street parking) akan berdampak pada waktu tempuh perjalanan dan kecepatan kendaraan serta mempengaruhi perhitungan komponen-komponen Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK) dan Biaya Waktu Perjalanan (BWP). Karena parkir di badan jalan berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan kendaraan yang menjadi parameter perhitungan biaya operasional kendaraan, maka perlu dihitung biaya transportasi akibat parkir di badan jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penambahan BOK, BWP, dan biaya transportasi atau Generalized Cost (GC) untuk mobil penumpang akibat adanya kegiatan parkir di badan jalan dengan kondisi lalu lintas dengan on-street parking dan without on-street parking di Jalan MT. Haryono, Jalan Jenderal Suprapto dan Jalan Masjid Purwokerto. Metode yang digunakan dalam menghitung BOK adalah PCI 1988 dan LAPI ITB 1996. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan meningkatnya GC di Jalan Masjid pada kondisi on-street parking dengan metode PCI 1988 dan BWP pada peak time pagi, siang, dan sore Rp. 191,46, Rp. 453,34, Rp. 534,28 dan metode LAPI ITB 1996 dan BWP sebesar Rp. 165,01, Rp. 334,13, Rp. 407,18. Selisih GC di Jalan Jenderal Suprapto dengan metode PCI 1988 dan BWP pada peak time pagi, siang, dan sore Rp. 174,56, Rp. 165,02, Rp. 77,91 dan metode LAPI ITB 1996 dan BWP sebesar 156,86, Rp. 148,12, Rp. 70,30. Selisih GC di Jalan MT. Haryono arah Selatan ke Utara dengan metode PCI 1988 dan BWP pada peak time pagi, siang, dan sore Rp. 850,16, Rp. 554,50, Rp. 270,57 dan metode LAPI ITB 1996 dan BWP sebesar Rp. 805,37, Rp.534,75, Rp. 265,84. Selisih GC di Jalan MT. Haryono arah Utara ke Selatan dengan metode PCI 1988 dan BWP pada peak time pagi, siang, dan sore Rp. 798,98, Rp. 379,26, Rp. 237,18 dan metode LAPI ITB 1996 dan BWP sebesar Rp. 832,31, Rp. 437,91, Rp. 299,36.
Abstrak (Inggris)The vehicles heading or leaving Purwokerto increase each year, especially on the street with on-street parking will have an impact on the travel time and vehicle’s speed and affect the calculation of the components of Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) and Cost Time Travel (TTC). Because of on-street parking could affect the speed of the vehicle which was one of the parameter in the calculations of VOC, it was necessary to count transportation costs due to on-street parking. This study aims to determine the VOC addition, TTC, and the Generalized Cost (GC) for passenger cars due to parking activity in the road with and without on-street parking on MT. Haryono, Jenderal Suprapto and Masjid Streets in Purwokerto. The method used in calculating the VOC was PCI 1988 and LAPI ITB 1996. Results from the study showed increased GC in Masjid street’s on condition of on-street parking with PCI 1988andTTC method’s at peak time in the morning, afternoon, and evening was Rp. 191.46, Rp. 453.34, Rp. 534.28 and with LAPI ITB 1996 and TTC methods at each time was Rp. 165.01, Rp. 334.13, Rp. 407.18. Generalized Cost at Suprapto street with PCI 1988 and TTC method’s at peak time in the morning, afternoon, and evening was Rp. 174.56, Rp. 165.02, Rp. 77.91 and with LAPI ITB 1996 and TTC methotds at each time was156.86 respectively, Rp. 148.12, Rp. 70.30. Generalized Cost at MT. Haryono Sourth from South to North with PCI 1988 and TTC method’s at peak time in the morning, afternoon, and evening was Rp. 850.16, Rp. 554.50, Rp. 270.57 and with LAPI ITB 1996 and TTC method at each time was Rp. 805.37, Rp.534, 75, Rp. 265.84. Generalized Cost at MT. Haryono street from North to South with PCI 1988 and TTC method’s at peak time in the morning, afternoon, and evening was Rp. 798.98, Rp. 379.26, Rp. 237.18 and with LAPI ITB 1996 and TTC method at each time was Rp. 832.31, Rp. 437.91, Rp. 299.36.
Kata Kunciparkir di badan jalan, kecepatan, biaya operasional kendaraan, biaya waktu perjalanan, biaya transportasi, Purwokerto
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Gito Sugiyanto,S.T.,M.T.
Nama Pembimbing 2Eva Wahyu Indriyati,S.T.,M.T.
Jumlah Halaman15
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