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NIM (Student Number)P2DA11016
Nama MahasiswaYADI MULYADI
AbstrakTujuan penelitian pakan fungsional yang mengandung probiotik Lactobacillus dan minyak ikan lemuru (Sardinela longiceps) sebagai sumber omega-3 dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan dan level pakan fungsional terhadap performan produksi dan kualitas telur ayam arab. Materi yang digunakan adalah ayam arab umur 20 minggu sebanyak 60 ekor yang dipelihara selama 12 minggu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan R0 (0 % Pakan Fungsional), R1 (5% Pakan Fungsional), R2 (10 % Pakan Fungsional), R3 (15 % Pakan Fungsional) dan R4 (20 % Pakan Fungsional). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan pakan fungsional yang mengandung probiotik Lactobacillus dan minyak ikan lemuru sebagai sumber omega-3 dalam pakan ayam arab ternyata memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kualitas telur secara kimiawi (meningkatkan kandungan protein kuning telur dan menurunkan kandungan lemak kuning telur); akan tetapi berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap performan produksi (konsumsi pakan, konsumsi protein, konsumsi lemak, konsumsi energi, produksi telur hen day, konversi pakan); dan kualitas telur secara fisik (berat telur, indeks telur, indek kuning telur, indeks putih telur, bobot kuning telur, bobot putih telur, berat kerabang telur dan skor kuning telur). Penggunaan pakan fungsional sampai level 20 persen menghasilkan performan produksi dan kualitas telur ayam arab secara fisik yang relatif sama serta memberikan peningkatan terhadap kualitas telur ayam arab secara kimiawi yaitu protein kuning telur sebesar 16,08 persen dan menurunkan lemak kuning telur sebesar 26,99 persen.
Abstrak (Inggris)This purpose of research about The Use of Functional Feed Containing Lactobacillus and Sardine Oil (Sardinela Longicep) as the Source of Omega-3 was carried out to evaluate its use and the functional level toward the performance of production and quality for Arabic Chicken’s Eggs. The materials of this research used were the chickens aged 20 weeks as much as 60 for 12 weeks in breeding. A method of this research used the experimental method through (CRD) completely randomized design with treatments at R0 (0 % Functional Feed), R1 (5% Functional Feed), R2 (10 % Functional Feed), R3 (15 % Functional Feed) dan R4 (20 % Functional Feed). The results of this research indicated that the use of functional feed contained Lactobacillus and sardine oil as the source of omega-3 at 20 percent in the feed, evidently, it proved very real different effects ( P<0.01 ) in increasing the quality of the eggs chemically ( content of the yolk protein came up and the yellow fat came down) ; but it was not the different (P>0,05) toward the performance of production (feed consumption, protein consumption, fat consumption, energy consumption, production of hen day’s eggs, feed conversion); and physical quality of egg (its weight, its shape index, its yolk index, its white index, its yolk weight, weight of the white, score of the yolk and the shell weight. The use of the fuctional feed at 20 percent turned out the performance of production and quality for Arabic Chicken’s Eggs physically at the same and use of it provided improvements to the quality of them is chemically the yolk protein at 16,08 percent and a descrease in egg yolk fat at 26,99 percent.
Kata KunciPakan Fungsional, Performan Produksi, Kualitas Telur, Ayam Arab
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Ir. Ning Iriyanti, MP
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. sc. agr. Ir. H. R. Singgih Sugeng Santosa., MP
Jumlah Halaman10
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