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NIM (Student Number)P2AA11049
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari adanya patogen tular-benih dan pengaruh aplikasi agensia hayati Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 pada benih IR 64, meliputi (1) deteksi dan identifikasi patogen tular-benih Padi IR 64 dari Petani dan IR 64 bersertifikat, (2) pengujian P. flourescens P60 dalam menghambat pertumbuhan koloni patogen tular-benih in vitro, (3) pengujian P. flourescens P60 terhadap mutu patologis dan fisiologis benih, dan (4) Pengujian P. flourescens P60 terhadap pertumbuhan bibit padi di rumah kaca. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya patogen tular-benih padi IR 64 baik dari petani maupun bersertifikat yaitu Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria padwickii, Pseudomonas glumae, dan Pseudomonas syringae. Pengujian P. flourescens P60 dalam menghambat pertumbuhan koloni patogen tular-benih in vitro, menunjukkan pengaruh yang sama dengan perlakuan benomil dalam menghambat pertumbuhan koloni A. padwickii, A. flavus, dan P. glumae. Namun, berbeda terhadap P. syringae. Sementara pengujian P. flourescens P60 terhadap mutu patologis, menunjukkan persentase tingkat serangan patogen tular-benih lebih kecil dan berbeda dengan perlakuan aquades, tetapi memiliki pengaruh yang sama dengan benomil. Sementara terhadap mutu fisiologis benih, perlakuan P. flourescens P60 memiliki pengaruh yang sama dengan perlakuan benomil dan aquades, serta mampu mempertahankan mutu fisiologis dengan daya kecambah diatas 80%. Hasil pengujian aplikasi P. flourescens P60 terhadap pertumbuhan bibit padi di rumah kaca, perlakuan P. flourescens P60 dengan waktu perendaman 15 menit dan 25 menit, memiliki pengaruh yang sama terhadap tinggi bibit, panjang akar, dan berat bibit kering. Namun berbeda terhadap berat bibit basah dan berat akar kering.
Abstrak (Inggris)Seed-borne pathogens to interfere with the growth and development of seeds into plants and reduce pathological and physiological seed quality. One of the reason to improve quality of pathological and physiological is seed treatment. Alternative to seed treatment is use biological agents Pseudomonas flourescens P60. This research aims to study the presence of seed-borne pathogens and the effectiveness of biological agents P. fluorescens P60 to pathological and physiological seed quality and seedling growth of rice variety IR 64 which includes (1) the detection and identification of seed-borne pathogens rice IR 64, (2) testing of biological agents P. flourescens P60 in inhibiting the growth of colonies seed-borne pathogens in vitro, (3) testing of biological agents P. flourescens P60 for pathological and physiological seed quality, and (4) testing of biological agents P. flourescens P60 on the growth of seedlings in the greenhouse. This research uses a randomized factorial trial design complete, except for testing biological agents P. flourescens P60 in inhibiting the growth colonies of seed-borne pathogens using a completely randomized design with a single factor of pesticide treatments (biopesticide P. flourescens P60, qimia pesticide benomil, and distilled water). While factorial experimental design consisted of two factors, pesticides and seed source (IR 64 seeds from farmers and certified). The results indicate presence of seed-borne pathogens-both of IR 64 rice farmers and certified that Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria padwickii, Pseudomonas glumae, and Pseudomonas syringae. Application biological agents P. flourescens P60 in inhibiting the growth of colonies seed-borne pathogens in vitro, showed that the results did not differ significantly with benomil treatment in inhibiting the growth of colonies A. padwickii, A. flavus, and P. glumae. However, significantly different from P. syringae. While, application P. flourescens P60 to pathological quality seed, shows the percentage rate of seed-borne pathogens attack smaller and significantly different from distilled water treatment and similliar with benomil treatment. The physiological quality of seeds, treatment of P. flourescens P60 has the same effect with the treatment benomil and distilled water with no significantly different results, as well as the treatment of P. flourescens P60 is able to maintain the quality of physiological germination rate above 80%. Results of application P. flourescens P60 on the growth of rice seedlings in the greenhouse, treatment of P. flourescens P60 with immersion time 15 minutes and 25 minutes, has similliar effect with distilled water and benomil treatmen in high of seedling, root length, and dry weight of seedling, but different in wet weight of seedling and root dry weight with immersion time 25 minutes.
Kata KunciPseudomonas flourescens P60, patogen tular-benih, mutu patologis, mutu fisiologis, pertumbuhan bibit
Nama Pembimbing 1Prof. Ir. Loekas Soesanto, MS., PhD
Nama Pembimbing 2Yugi Ahadiyat R., SP, M.Sc., D.Tech.Sc
Jumlah Halaman20
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