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NIM (Student Number)F1F008073
AbstrakPenelitian berjudul “Kinesics Analysis in Expressing Anger as Reflected by Melvin B. Tolson in “The Great Debaters”” ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis ekspresi kemarahan dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana ekspresi tersebut dimunculkan oleh Melvin B. Tolson dengan menggunakan kajian semiotik, yaitu ilmu tentang tanda yang merepresentasikan sesuatu yang difokuskan dalam menganalisis ekpresi kemarahan Melvin B. Telson. Penelitian ini menganalisis jenis ekspresi kemarahan berdasarkan teori Ekman. Ada tiga jenis ekspresi kemarahan; marah halus, marah terkontrol, dan marah kuat. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif dan datanya adalah ekspresi kemarahan Tolson dalam “The Great Debaters”. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi dalam mengumpulkan data yang mengandung beberapa tahap: pertama, peneliti menonton “The Great Debaters”, dan mengobservasinya. Kedua, peneliti mengklasifikasikan tipe - tipe ekspresi wajah marah yang diambil dari data. Ketiga, peneliti menganalisis data berdasarkan karakteristik yang muncul dan mencari pemicu seperti latar belakang dan penyebab yang menyebabkan kemarahan Tolson. Simpulan penelitian ini akhirnya didapat berdasarkan jenis marah yang paling sering muncul dan penyebab dibalik itu. Hasilnya menunjukkan ada 21 gambar ekspresi wajah marah Tolson dalam “The Great Debaters”. Gambar - gambar tersebut dibagi kedalam tiga tipe. Yaitu marah halus, marah terkontrol, dan marah kuat. Gambar-gambar tersebut mengandung karakteristik wajah marah tersendiri. Konteks juga dibutuhkan untuk menggambarkan situasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa tipe marah. Marah halus dapat terlihat dari 6 gambar. Kemudian, marah terkontrol dapat terlihat dari 13 gambar dan yang terakhir marah kuat dapat terlihat dari 2 gambar. Kemarahan Tolson sering telihat ketika dia terlibat dalam debat dengan muridnya bernama Tuan Lowe. Dari penelitian ini akan lebih baik menganalisis hubungan ekspresi kemarahan seseorang dengan budayanya juga aspek psikologinya ketika mereka menunjukan kemarahannya.
Abstrak (Inggris)ABSTRACT The research entitled “Kinesics Analysis in Expressing Anger as Reflected by Melvin B. Tolson in “The Great Debaters”” is aimed to identify the kinds of anger facial expressions and to know how the facial expressions are produced by Melvin B. Tolson, by using semiotics study which deals with sign that represents something focused on analyzing Melvin B. Tolson’s anger facial expression. This research analyzed about the kinds of anger facial expressions based on Ekman’s theory. There are three kinds of anger facial expression: subtle anger, controlled anger, and strong anger. The research belonged to qualitative research and the data were Tolson’s anger facial expressions in “The Great Debaters”. Researcher used the observation technique in collecting the data containing several steps: First, the researcher watched “The Great Debaters”, and observed it. Second, the researcher classified the types of anger facial expressions which were taken from the data. Third, the researcher analyzed the data based on the characteristic that appeared and looked for the triggers such as the setting and the causes that raised Tolson’s anger. The conclusion of the research was finally drawn based on the kinds of anger which often appeared and the triggering factors behind them. The result showed that there were 21 pictures of anger facial expressions reflected by Tolson in “The Great Debaters”. Those pictures were divided into three types. Those pictures consisted of their own characteristics of anger facial expressions. The context was also needed to draw the situation that can be used to analyze the types of anger. Subtle anger could be seen in 6 pictures. Then, controlled anger could be seen in 13 pictures and the last, strong anger could be seen in 2 pictures. Tolson’s anger often appeared when he involves in strong debate with his student, named Mr. Lowe. From this research, it would be better to conduct the relationship of someone’s anger facial expression with his culture and the influences from psychological aspect of individuals in showing their anger in a society.
Kata KunciSemiotik, Kinesik, Konteks, Ekspresi Wajah, Marah, The Great Debaters
Nama Pembimbing 1Tuti Purwati, S.S., M.Pd.
Nama Pembimbing 2Asrofin Nur Kholifah, S.S., M.Hum.
Jumlah Halaman10
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