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NIM (Student Number)A1C009020
AbstrakProgram PUAP merupakan program terobosan dari Kementerian Pertanian dalam rangka pengentasan kemiskinan pada sektor pertanian dan merupakan upaya untuk mengatasi keterbatasan modal dan kapasitas yang dimiliki petani. Program ini bagian dari pelaksanaan program PNPM Mandiri yang melakukan penyaluran bantuan modal usaha dalam upaya menumbuhkembangkan usaha agribisnis sesuai dengan potensi pertanian desa sasaran, yang diwujudkan dengan penumbuhan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Agribisnis (LKM-A) pada Gapoktan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Profil Gapoktan Suka Tani, (2) Penyaluran dana BLM PUAP oleh Gapoktan Suka Tani kepada petani anggota, dan (3) Keberhasilan outcome program PUAP Gapoktan Suka Tani dalam upaya meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Gapoktan Suka Tani Desa Sokawera, Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas. Pelaksanaan penelitian dan pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada tanggal 08 Juli sampai tanggal 05 Agustus 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan rancangan pengambilan sampel yaitu sensus, sebanyak 26 petani responden (petani padi anggota Gapoktan peminjam dana BLM PUAP). Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Metode analisis data menggunakan deskriptif, analisis pendapatan usahatani, analisis R/C ratio, dan uji Paired Sample T Test. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah : (1) H 0 : Pendapatan petani sebelum adanya program PUAP tidak berbeda atau sama dengan pendapatan petani sesudah adanya PUAP, (2) Ha : Pendapatan petani sebelum adanya program PUAP berbeda dengan pendapatan petani sesudah adanya PUAP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Profil Gapoktan Suka Tani secara keseluruhan telah mengikuti prosedur profil Gapoktan yang telah ditetapkan dalam Pedoman Umum (Pedum) PUAP (2) Realisasi prosedur pencairan dana BLM PUAP Gapoktan Suka Tani kepada petani anggota telah mengikuti prosedur yang tercantum pada Petunjuk Teknis (Juknis) PUAP yaitu sebanyak 5 point dari total 7 point yang telah ditetapkan (3) Gapoktan Suka Tani telah berhasil mencapai indikator keberhasilan outcome Pedoman Umum (Pedum) PUAP point a, b, c dan d. Gapoktan suka Tani berhasil meningkatkan pendapatan petani yaitu dengan perubahan peningkatan rata-rata pendapatan responden sebesar Rp 326.774,04 (nominal) atau naik 10,00% (nominal) dan Rp 176.566,38 (rill) atau naik 5,58% (rill). Perbandingan rata-rata efisiensi pendapatan responden mengalami kenaikan yaitu 2,72 dan 2,70 sebelum PUAP; dan 2,01 dan 2,87 sesudah PUAP. Kata kunci : evaluasi, PUAP, pendapatan.
Abstrak (Inggris)PUAP program is a breakthrough program of the Ministry of Agriculture in order to alleviate poverty in the agricultural sector and an attempt to overcome the limitations of capital and the capacity of the farmers. The program is part of the implementation of PNPM Mandiri program channeling venture capital assistance in the effort to develop agribusiness in accordance with agricultural potential target village, which is realized by the growth of Microfinance Institutions (LKM- A) on Gapoktan. This research aimed to determine : (1) Profile of Suka Tani Gapoktan, (2) Distribution of BLM PUAP by Gapoktan to members, and (3) The success of the PUAP program’s outcomes Suka Tani Gapoktan in an effort to increase the income of farmers. This research was conducted at Suka Tani Gapoktan Sokawera Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency. Implementation of research and data collection was conducted on July 8 th until August 5 th , 2013. The research method used was a case study design with sampling census, as many as 26 respondent farmers (rice farmer Gapoktan member who borrower PUAP BLM). The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews, and literature. Methods of data analysis using descriptive, farm income analysis, analysis of R/C ratio, and Paired Sample T Test. The hypotheses are : (1) H0 : Income PUAP farmers before the program is no different or the same as the income of farmers af ter the introduction of PUAP (2) Ha : Farmers' income before PUAP program differs from the income of farmers after the introduction of PUAP. Results showed (1) Profile Suka Tani Gapoktan overall have followed the procedures established Gapoktan profile in the General Guidelines PUAP (2) Realization of withdrawal or disbursement procedures BLM PUAP of Suka Tani Gapoktan to members have to follow the procedures listed in Technical Guidelines PUAP as many as 5 points of the total 7 points that have been established (3) Gapoktan Suka Tani has been successed to achieve the success indicator of outcome in PUAP General Guidelines points a, b , c and d. Suka Tani Gapoktan has been successed to increase the income of farmer which is by the changing of increasing average income in ammount Rp 326.774,04 (nominal), increase 10,00 % (nominal) and Rp 176.566,38 (rill), increase 5,58 % (rill). Comparison of the average income of respondents experienced an increase in efficiency is 2,72 and 2,70 before PUAP, and 2,01 and 2,87 after PUAP. Keywords : evaluation , PUAP , revenue.
Kata Kuncievaluasi, PUAP, pendapatan.
Nama Pembimbing 1Ir. Hj. Sri Widarni, M. Si
Nama Pembimbing 2Ir. H. Tobari M.P
Jumlah Halaman24
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