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NIM (Student Number)P2PA11042
Nama MahasiswaYOGI PAMUNGKAS, S.Si
AbstrakPengerukan Sungai Donan berdampak terhadap wilayah ekologinya dan masyarakat di sekitar wilayah sungai tersebut. Hal tersebut berupa kualitas air yang berubah dari faktor fisik, kimiawi, dan biologik; serta persepsi masyarakat di sekitar Sungai Donan Cilacap. Pengerukan dilakukan dari segmen Buoy 27 sampai Buoy 34 sebagai upaya pengurangan pendangkalan yang ada di Sungai Donan Cilacap dan upaya pemeliharaan alur pelayaran batu kapur PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk. Cilacap Plant. Sementara itu, Sungai Donan Cilacap merupakan alur pelayaran yang termasuk dalam International Maritim Organization (IMO). Organisasi ini merupakan suatu badan yang menangani masalah-masalah kemaritiman termasuk alur pelayaran. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi kualitas air pasca-pengerukan ditinjau dari faktor fisik, kimiawi, dan biologik di sekitar Sungai Donan Cilacap, mengetahui persepsi masyarakat tentang kualitas air pasca-pengerukan alur pelayaran batu kapur di sekitar Sungai Donan Cilacap, dan menganalisis hubungan antara kualitas air dan persepsi masyarakat pasca-pengerukan alur pelayaran batu kapur di sekitar Sungai Donan Cilacap. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Mei 2013 dengan lima kali ulangan. Sampel diambil pada tiga stasiun berbeda, terdiri dari Stasiun 1 daerah sebelum pengerukan, Stasiun 2 daerah pengerukan, dan Stasiun 3 daerah setelah pengerukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas air Sungai Donan Cilacap pasca-pengerukan cenderung menurun di stasiun 2 (TSS sebesar 303,6 mgl-1, BOD sebesar 9,806 mgl-1, COD sebesar 171,4 mgl-1, jumlah jenis makrobenthos sebesar 5 spesies, jumlah individu makrobenthos sebesar 147 ind/m2, jumlah jenis plankton sebesar 11 spesies dan jumlah individu sebesar 1461 ind/l), kemudian diikuti oleh stasiun 3 (TSS sebesar 268 mgl-1, BOD sebesar 18,182 mgl-1, COD sebesar 262,8 mgl-1, jumlah jenis makrobenthos sebesar 6 spesies, jumlah individu makrobenthos sebesar 180 ind/m2, jumlah jenis plankton sebesar 12 spesies, dan jumlah individu plankton sebesar 1341 ind/l) dan stasiun 1 sebesar TSS sebesar 204,4 mgl-1, BOD sebesar 12,258 mgl-1, COD sebesar 252,2 mgl-1, jumlah jenis makrobenthos sebesar 7 spesies, jumlah individu makrobenthos sebesar 327 ind/m2, jumlah jenis plankton sebesar 12 spesies, dan jumlah individu plankton sebesar 1340 ind/l). Persepsi masyarakat tentang kondisi Sungai Donan Cilacap pasca-pengerukan cenderung menyatakan semakin keruh di stasiun 2 (43%), kemudian diikuti oleh stasiun 3 (15%) dan stasiun 1 (7%). Secara umum, kualitas air Sungai Donan Cilacap pasca-pengerukan yang cenderung menurun menghasilkan persepsi masyarakat tentang kondisi Sungai tersebut yang semakin keruh pada Stasiun 2, kemudian diikuti oleh Stasiun 3 dan Stasiun 1.
Abstrak (Inggris)Donan River dredging brings impact on its ecology and local people as well. It can be identified from the change of water quality in terms of physical, chemical, and biological factors, and the local people’s perception in the surrounding area of Donan River in Cilacap. The dredging was conducted from Buoy 27 to Buoy 34 as an effort to reduce silting of Donan River in Cilacap and to maintain shipping lane of PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk. Cilacap Plant. Meanwhile, Donan River shipping lane included in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is an agency which deals with maritime issues including shipping lanes. The purpose of research is to determine the condition of post-dredging water quality in terms of physical, chemical, and biological factors around Donan River in Cilacap; to determine the local people’s perception on post-dredging water quality of limestone shipping lane around Donan River in Cilacap; and to analyze the relationship between the water quality and local people’s perception of the post-dredging of limestone shipping lane around Donan River in Cilacap. The research method was taken by purposive sampling method. The study was conducted in March-May 2013 by five times repetitions. Samples were taken at three different stations consisting of Station 1 as pre-dredging area, Station 2 as dredging area, and Station 3 as post-dredging area. The results showed that the post-dredging of Donan River in Cilacap tends to decrease water quality at Station 2 (TSS as much 303.6 mgl-1, BOD5 as much 9.806 mgl-1, COD as much 171.4 mgl-1, macrobenthos found as much 5 species with 147 ind/m2, plankton found as much 11 species with 1,461 ind/l), followed by Station 3 (TSS 268 as much mgl-1, BOD5 as much 18.182 mgl-1, COD as much 262.8 mgl-1, macrobenthos found as much 6 species with 180 ind/m2, plankton found as much 12 species with 1,341 ind/l) and Station 1(TSS as much 204.4 mgl-1, BOD as much 12.258 mgl-1, COD as much 252.2 mgl-1, macrobenthos foun as much 7 species with 327 ind/m2, plankton found as much 12 species with 1,340 ind/l). The people’s perception on the condition of post-dredging Donan River in Cilacap tends to be increasingly turbid at Station 2 (43%), followed by Station 3 (15%) and Station 1 (7%). In general, the decreasing water quality in the post dredging affects on the local’s perception of the condition of the river which is increasingly turbid at Station 2, followed by Station 3 and Station 1.
Kata KunciPengerukan Sungai Donan, wilayah ekologi
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. rer. nat. Moh. Husein Sastranegara, M.Si
Nama Pembimbing 2Ir. Sidharta Sahirman, M.Si, MSIE, Ph.D
Jumlah Halaman12
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