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NIM (Student Number)G1F011055
AbstrakRimpang temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) dan daun cocor bebek (Bryophyllum pinnata) merupakan tanaman yang diketahui memiliki aktivitas anti nyeri, sehingga berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai analgetik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas analgetik kombinasi ekstrak etanol rimpang temulawak dan daun cocor bebek terhadap nyeri perifer dan nyeri sentral serta mengetahui perbandingan dosis kombinasi ekstrak yang mempunyai aktivitas analgetik paling baik. Pada penelitian dilakukan dua uji yaitu uji geliat (writhing test) dan uji hot plate. Uji geliat dilakukan pada mencit dengan pemberian 5 tipe dosis kombinasi (200 mg/kgBB), aquades (kontrol negatif) dan aspirin 91 mg/kgBB (kontrol positif) dilanjutkan pemberian induksi nyeri asam asetat 0,6 % (10 ml/kgBB) secara ip. Persen daya inhibisi dihitung berdasarkan jumlah rata-rata geliat. Hot plate test dilakukan tanpa induksi asam asetat dan dengan kontrol positif petidin 13 mg/kgBB secara sc. Mencit ditempatkan di atas hot plate suhu 550C ± 10C. Waktu laten diukur melalui pengamatan respons melompat kemudian dihitung persen MPE. Data persen daya inhibisi dan persen MPE masing-masing dianalisis dengan analisis statistika Kruskal-Wallis yang dilanjutkan analisis statistika Mann-Whitney. Perbedaan dianggap signifikan pada p<0,05 dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Pemberian kombinasi ekstrak temulawak dan cocor bebek dosis 25:75 (200 mg/kgBB) mempunyai aktivitas analgetik yang paling baik berdasarkan persen daya inhibisi (71,65%). Kombinasi dosis lain yang memiliki aktivitas analgetik yang baik adalah kombinasi dosis 75:25 (51,54%) dan 0:100 (51,34%). Kombinasi ekstrak dosis 50:50 mempunyai aktivitas analgetik paling baik pada nyeri sentral dilihat dari nilai persen MPE terbesar (6,95±3,29%) pada menit ke-45.
Abstrak (Inggris)Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) and cocor bebek leaves (Bryophyllum pinnata) are known to have analgetic activity, thereby potentially being developed as analgetic. The purpose of this study was to determine either the analgetic activity of the combination of ethanolic extract of temulawak and cocor bebek on pain of peripheral and central pain or the dose ratio combinations of extracts that have the best analgetic activity. In this study conducted two tests either writhing test or hot plate test. Writhing test performed on mice by administering 5 types of dose combinations, distilled water as negative control and aspirin 91 mg/kgBB as positive control and continued by administering of 0.6% acetic acid (10 ml/kg) by ip as pain inducer. Percent inhibition were calculated based on the average amount of writhing. Hot plate test was performed without induction of acetic acid while it used pethidine 13 mg/kg by sc as positive control. Mice were placed on a hot plate at 550C ± 10C. Latency time was measured by observing the jumping response then percent MPE was calculated. Percentages of inhibition of writhing and MPE were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and continued by Mann-Whitney statistical analysis. Differences were considered significant at p <0.05 with 95% confidence level. Extracts combination of temulawak and cocor bebek dose 25:75(200 mg/kgBB) had the best analgesic activity based on the percent inhibition (71.65%). Another dose combination had good activity were dose 75:25 (51.54%) and 0: 100 (51.34%). Extract combination dose 50:50 had the best analgesic activity in central pain based on the highest percent MPE (6.95±3.29%) at the 45th minutes.
Kata KunciBryophyllum pinnata, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, Analgetik, Writhing Test, Uji hot plate.
Nama Pembimbing 1Hanif Nasiatul Baroroh, M.Sc., Apt.
Nama Pembimbing 2dr. Mustofa, M.Sc.
Jumlah Halaman13
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