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NIM (Student Number)D1A015217
Nama MahasiswaANDI IRMAWAN
AbstrakPenelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan penelitan untuk mengetahui penggunaan pektin nabati dengan persentase yang berbeda terhadap warna dan total padatan yogurt. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah susu sapi sebanyak 5 liter, dan pektin nabati 2 gram. Peralatan yang digunakan adalah toples, pH meter, statif, buret, mixer, erlenmeyer, pipet tetes, panci, kompor, pengaduk, inkubator, termometer, gelas beker dan timbangan. Metode penelitian eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan 5 perlakuan, 4 kali ulangan, sehingga terdapat 20 unit. Kesimpulan penggunaan pektin dengan persentase yang berbeda pada pembuatan yogurt susu sapi memiliki rataan warna L (lightness) yaitu PO: 30,25 ± 1,68; P1: 31,72 ± 1,22; P2: 32,12 ± 1,86; P3: 36,82 ± 1,74; dan P4: 37,12 ± 1,56; warna a*(redness) memiliki rataan P0: 15,35 ± 0,95; P1: 15,57 ± 0,86; P2: 15,5 ± 0,29; P3: 16,47 ± 1,61; dan P4: 17,35 ± 1,25, warna b* (yellownes) memiliki rataan P0: 30,25 ± 1,68; P1:31,72 ± 1,22, P2: 32,12 ± 1,12; P3: 36,62 ± 1,74; P4: 37;12 ± 1,56, dan total padatan memiliki rataan P0; 10,00 ± 1,33, P1: 10,21 ± 0,65; P2; 10,62 ± 0,39; P3: 10,71 ± 0,76; dan P4 10,76 ± 0,69. Persamaan yang diperoleh untuk warna a (redness) yaitu Y = 15,07+245x dengan R2 = 32,9%. Simpulan penggunaan pektin sampai dengan 0,8% pada pembuatan yogurt meningkatkan warna kemerahan (Redness), tetapi menghasilkan kecerahan (Lightnes), warna (Yellowness), dan total padatan yang relatif sama.
Abstrak (Inggris)The research aims to determine the addition of vegetable pectin to the production of yoghurt cow’s milk on the color and total yogurt solids. The material used was 5 liters of cow's milk, 2 grams of vegetable pectin, and distilled water. The equipment used is a jar, pH meter, statif, burette, mixer, erlenmeyer, dropper pipette, pan, stove, stirrer, incubator, thermometer, becker glass, scales. Experimental research method with Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 5 treatments, 4 replications, so that there are 20 units. Conclusion the use of pectin with different percentages in the manufacture of cow's milk yogurt has an average color of L (lightness), namely PO: 30.25 ± 1.68; P1: 31.72 ± 1.22; P2: 32.12 ± 1.86; P3: 36.82 ± 1.74; and P4: 37.12 ± 1.56; color a* (redness) has an average of P0: 15.35 ± 0.95; P1: 15.57 ± 0.86; P2: 15.5 ± 0.29; P3: 16.47 ± 1.61; and P4: 17.35 ± 1.25, color b*(yellowness) has an average of P0: 30.25 ± 1.68; P1: 31.72 ± 1.22, P2: 32.12 ± 1.12; P3: 36.62 ± 1.74; P4: 37; 12 ± 1.56, and total solids have an average of P0; 10.00 ± 1.33, P1: 10.21 ± 0.65; P2; 10.62 ± 0.39; P3: 10.71 ± 0.76; and P4 10.76 ± 0.69. The equation obtained for color a*(redness) is Y = 15.07 + 245x with R2 = 32.9%. The conclusions of using pectin up to 0.8% in making yogurt increase the redness (Redness), but produce brightness (Lightness), color (Yellowness), and the total solids are relatively the same..
Kata Kunciyogurt, pektin nabati, warna dan total padatan
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Triana Setyawardani, S.Pt, MP
Nama Pembimbing 2Ir. Triana Yuni Astuti, MP
Jumlah Halaman12
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