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NIM (Student Number)A1D015076
Judul ArtikelIdentifikasi Bakteri Potensial Lahan Marginal Secara Molekuler Menggunakan 16S rRNA dan Uji Bioassay pada Padi Potensial Lahan Marginal
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan: 1) Menentukan identitas dari bakteri GT-2 dan SR-1 melalui analisis bioinformatik sekuen 16S rRNA, 2) Mengetahui kemampuan PGPR isolat GT-2 dan SR-1 dalam pelarutan P dan penambat N, 3) Menentukan isolat terbaik yang memiliki respon optimal terhadap pertumbuhan varietas padi lahan marginal Inpago Unsoed 1, Inpari Unsoed 79 Agritan, dan Inpago Unsoed Parimas yang ditanam. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman pada bulan Oktober 2018 hingga Maret 2019. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah peremajaan isolat murni, isolasi DNA, pengujian kualitas dan kuantitas DNA, amplifikasi 16S rRNA dengan teknik PCR, visualisasi pita DNA, purifikasi DNA hasil PCR, sekuensing DNA, analisis bioinformatika, pengujian PGPR pelarut P dan penambat N, dan pengujian bioassay respon tanaman terhadap isolat bakteri GT-2 dan SR-1. Variabel yang diamati dari pengujian biomolekuler meliputi konsentrasi DNA hasil isolasi, tingkat kemurnian DNA, ukuran pita DNA hasil PCR, urutan nukleotida 16S rRNA. Variabel yang diamati dari pengujian PGPR yaitu pertumbuhan bakteri pada media pengujian. Variabel yang diamati dari pengujian bioassay meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang akar, bobot basah dan kering tanaman. Hasil pengamatan didapatkan konsentrasi dan kemurnian DNA pada isolat GT-2 sebesar 1,88 dan 361,4 serta isolat SR-1 sebesar 1,87 dan 175,9. Hasil kegiatan PCR yaitu ukuran pita DNA berkisar 1500 bp. Hasil dari sekuensing DNA mengidentifikasikan bahwa isolat GT-2 merupakan Bacillus proteolyticus dan isolat SR-1 merupakan Bacillus albus. Hasil pengujian PGPR menunjukkan isolat bakteri GT-2 dan SR-1 positif pelarut P dan negatif penambat N. Hasil pengujian bioassay respon tanaman terhadap perendaman benih pada larutan isolat konsentrasi 10-9 menunjukkan bahwa isolat terbaik yaitu GT-2.
Abstrak (Inggris)This research aimed to: 1) determine the identity of GT-2 and SR-1 bacteria through 16S rRNA bioinformatic sequence analysis, 2) determine the ability of PGPR isolates GT-2 and SR-1 in dissolving P and N fixing, 3) determine the best isolates has an optimal response to the growth of marginal land rice varieties. The research was conducted in the laboratory of Agroecology, Agrohorticulture, Pests and Plant Diseases of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Sudirman University in October 2018 until March 2019. The research process was divided into three main parts, namely molecular identification of bacteria isolated from marginal land using 16S rRNA molecules, testing PGPR phosphate solvents and nitrogen fixing, and tests Plant response bioassays of GT-2 and SR-1 bacterial isolates. Stages carried out in this study were rejuvenation of pure isolates, DNA isolation, testing the quality and quantity of DNA, amplification of 16S rRNA by PCR techniques, visualization of DNA bands, purification of DNA from PCR results, DNA sequencing, bioinformatics analysis. Variables observed from the PGPR test were bacterial growth on the testing medium, and plant response bioassays testing of bacterial isolates GT-2 and SR-1. The variables observed from biomolecular testing include the concentration of DNA from isolation, the purity of DNA from isolation, the size of DNA bands from PCR, the nucleotide sequence of 16S rRNA, while the variables observed from bioassay testing include plant height, leaf number, root length, plant wet weight, and dry weight of plants. Results showed that the concentration and purity of DNA isolated from GT-2 isolates was 1.88 and 361.4, and that SR-1 isolates of 1.87 and 175.9 showed that DNA concentrations could be used for PCR activities. PCR activities were obtained with DNA band sizes ranging from 1400 bp, the size according to the 16S rRNA technique so sequencing can be done. The results of DNA sequencing of isolates GT-2 and SR-1 identified that GT-2 isolates were Bacillus proteolyticus and SR-1 isolates were Bacillus albus. The results of testing of PGPR are positive solvents P and negative fixing N. The results of testing of plant response bioassay on seed immersion in a solution of 10-9 concentration isolates showed that the the best isolates was GT-2.
Kata Kuncibakteri, padi, sekuensing, 16S rRNA.
Nama Pembimbing 1Ir. Suprayogi, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Nama Pembimbing 2Sapto Nugroho Hadi, S.Si., M.Biotech.
Jumlah Halaman15
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