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NIM (Student Number)A1A115047
Abstrak BULOG adalah perusahaan umum milik negara yang bergerak di bidang logistik pangan. Kegiatan stabilisasi harga yang dilakukan BULOG salah satunya adalah program Rumah Pangan Kita yang disingkat dengan RPK. RPK adalah usaha kecil milik masyarakat yang dibina oleh Perum BULOG dengan tujuan untuk menumbuhkan jiwa wirausaha dan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat. Perkembangan RPK di Kota Purwokerto memiliki kendala pada konsistensi dan keberlanjutan mitranya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menganalisis kepuasan RPK terhadap hak dan kewajiban kemitraan pada Perum BULOG Sub Divre IV Banyumas; 2) Menganalisis loyalitas RPK terhadap hak dan kewajban kemitraan pada Perum BULOG Sub Divre IV Banyumas. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Purwokerto pada bulan April sampai dengan Mei 2019. Pengambilan responden dilakukan dengan metode sensus menggunakan kuisioner dari keseluruhan mitra di Kota Purwokerto. Responden penelitian adalah pemilik RPK di Kota Purwokerto sebanyak 50 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Important Performance Analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) RPK di Kota Purwokerto puas terhadap hak dan kewajiban Kemitraan Perum BULOG Sub Divre IV Banyumas dengan nilai Customer Satisfaction Index sebesar 79,14 persen; 2) RPK di Kota Purwokerto cukup loyal terhadap Perum BULOG Sub Divre IV Banyumas atas kemitraan dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 2,78; 3) Faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan dan loyalitas RPK di Kota Purwokerto terhadap hak dan kewajiban kemitraan Perum BULOG Sub Divre IV Banyumas berdasarkan penelitian dilapang adalah harga produk pangan Kita, fasilitas promosi, kecepatan perusahaan dalam menanggapi keluhan mitra, kemudahan persyaratan, kemasan produk pangan Kita, kemudahan pembayaran, keramahan karyawan Perum BULOG, serta kualitas dan kuantitas produk pangan Kita sesuai dengan pemesanan.
Abstrak (Inggris) BULOG is a state-owned public company engaged in food logistics. One of the price stabilization activities carried out by BULOG is Rumah Pangan Kita program (known as RPK). RPK is a small business owned by the community fostered by Perum BULOG with the aim of fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and empowering the economy of the community. The progress of RPK in Purwokerto City has been constrained by the consistency and suistainability of it’s partners. This study aims to: 1) Analyze the need of the RPK for the right and obligations of partnerships in Perum BULOG Sub Divre IV Banyumas; 2) Analyze the loyalty of RPK towards the rights and obligations of partnerships in Perum BULOG Sub Divre IV Banyumas. The study was conducted in Purwokerto City from April to May 2019. Respondent was carried out by census method using questionaires that were taken from all partners in Purwokerto City. The research respondents were 50 RPK owners in Purwokerto City. The analytical methods used were Important Performance Analysis (IPA, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), and descriptive Analysis. The result of study show: 1) RPK in the City of Purwokerto is satisfied with the rights and obligations of the BULOG Public Corporation Sub-Division IV Banyumas Partnership with a value of the Customer Satisfaction Index of 79.14 percent; 2) RPK in Purwokerto City is quite loyal to the Public Corporation Sub-Division IV Division of Banyumas for partnerships with an average score of 2.78; 3) Factors that greatly influence the level of satisfaction and loyalty of RPK in the City of Purwokerto to the rights and obligations of the Perum BULOG partnership in Sub Divre IV Banyumas based on the field research are the prices of our food products, promotion facilities, speed of the company in response to partner complaints, ease of requirements, packaging of food products We, the ease of payment, the friendliness of BULOG Public Corporation employees, and the quality and quantity of our food products according to the order.
Kata KunciRPK, Kepuasan, Loyalitas, Perum BULOG Sub Divre IV Banyumas
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Ir. Agus Sutanto, M.P.
Nama Pembimbing 2Ir. Bambang Sumanto,
Jumlah Halaman106
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