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NIM (Student Number)C1A015109
Nama MahasiswaNENI SAFITRI
AbstrakThe existence of farmer’s institutions become important at agricultural development that farmer’s institutions are needed to empower the farming communities and develop agribusiness systems in Indonesia. Farmer groups are one of the important agricultural protections because farmer groups represent the main movers or alternative tools to achieve farmers' independence. One of the farmer’s institutions efforts with farmers in the framework of building their independence is by increasing the farmer’s participation in rural farmer groups. The objective of the research is to analyze the effect of revenue, education level, farming experience, and land area on farmer’s participation in Pokdakan Ulam Sari, to analyze the most influential variables on farmer’s participation in Pokdakan Ulam Sari, and to analyze the profit comparison between the enlargement gouramy farmers who join farmer groups with the enlargement gouramy farmers who do not join farmer groups of the Pokdakan Ulam Sari. Data analysis technique used in this research is a descriptive method, logistic regression analysis, multivariate analysis, and Mann Whitney analysis by IBM SPSS 19. The results showed that the factors that significantly influence the enlargement gouramy farmers decision to join the farmer’s group Pokdakan Ulam Sari are revenue, education level, and arable land area, while the farming experience does not significantly influence the farmers decision to join the farmer’s group. The arable land area is the most influential factor on the farmers decision to join the farmer’s group Pokdakan Ulam Sari, which the Odds Ratio (OR) is 40.846, thats the largest. Its means the farmer land area has probability as much 40.846 times to influence the farmer’s decision to join the farmer’s group Pokdakan Ulam Sari. There is no significant difference of the average profit of farmer’s group members with unmembers of the farmer’s group Pokdakan Ulam Sari. Key word : Farmer’s Institutions, Farmer’s Group, Farmer’s Participation ABSTRAK Pentingnya peran kelembagaan pertanian dalam upaya pembangunan pertanian yang lebih maju menjadikan kelembagaan pertanian sangat diperlukan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat tani dan mengembangkan sistem agribisnis di Indonesia. Kelompok tani menjadi salah satu kelembagaan pertanian yang berperan penting karena kelompok tani merupakan penggerak utama atau alat alternatif untuk mencapai kemandirian petani. Salah satu usaha kelembagaan pertanian bersama petani dalam rangka membangun kemandiriannya adalah dengan meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat tani dalam kelompok tani di pedesaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel omset usaha, tingkat pendidikan, lama usaha, dan luas lahan terhadap partisipasi petani dalam Pokdakan Ulam Sari, menganalisis variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap partisipasi petani Pokdakan Ulam Sari, dan menganalisis perbandingan keuntungan antara petani budidaya ikan yang bergabung dalam kelompok tani dengan petani budidaya ikan yang tidak bergabung dalam Pokdakan Ulam Sari. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi logistik, analisis multivariat, dan analisis Mann Whitney menggunakan alat bantu IBM SPSS 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan petani pembudiaya pembesaran ikan gurami untuk bergabung dalam kelompok tani Pokdakan Ulam Sari adalah omset usaha, tingkat pendidikan, dan luas lahan garapan, sedangkan lama usaha tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan petani untuk bergabung dalam kelompok. Luas lahan garapan adalah faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap keputusan petani pembudidaya pembesaran ikan gurami untuk bergabung dalam kelompok tani Pokdakan Ulam Sari, dengan nilai Odds Ratio (OR) terbesar yaitu 40,846 artinya luas lahan garapan petani mempunyai peluang sebesar 40,846 kali untuk mempengaruhi keputusan petani pembudidaya pembesaran ikan gurami untuk bergabung dalam kelompok tani Pokdakan Ulam Sari.Tidak terdapat perbedan yang signifikan antara rata-rata keuntungan anggota kelompok tani dengan bukan anggota kelompok tani Pokdakan Ulam Sari.
Abstrak (Inggris)The existence of farmer’s institutions become important at agricultural development that farmer’s institutions are needed to empower the farming communities and develop agribusiness systems in Indonesia. Farmer groups are one of the important agricultural protections because farmer groups represent the main movers or alternative tools to achieve farmers' independence. One of the farmer’s institutions efforts with farmers in the framework of building their independence is by increasing the farmer’s participation in rural farmer groups. The objective of the research is to analyze the effect of revenue, education level, farming experience, and land area on farmer’s participation in Pokdakan Ulam Sari, to analyze the most influential variables on farmer’s participation in Pokdakan Ulam Sari, and to analyze the profit comparison between the enlargement gouramy farmers who join farmer groups with the enlargement gouramy farmers who do not join farmer groups of the Pokdakan Ulam Sari. Data analysis technique used in this research is a descriptive method, logistic regression analysis, multivariate analysis, and Mann Whitney analysis by IBM SPSS 19. The results showed that the factors that significantly influence the enlargement gouramy farmers decision to join the farmer’s group Pokdakan Ulam Sari are revenue, education level, and arable land area, while the farming experience does not significantly influence the farmers decision to join the farmer’s group. The arable land area is the most influential factor on the farmers decision to join the farmer’s group Pokdakan Ulam Sari, which the Odds Ratio (OR) is 40.846, thats the largest. Its means the farmer land area has probability as much 40.846 times to influence the farmer’s decision to join the farmer’s group Pokdakan Ulam Sari. There is no significant difference of the average profit of farmer’s group members with unmembers of the farmer’s group Pokdakan Ulam Sari.
Kata KunciKelembagaan Pertanian, Kelompok Tani, Partisipasi Petani
Nama Pembimbing 1Istiqomah, S.E, M.Sc, Ph.D
Nama Pembimbing 2Dra. Neni Widyaningsih, MM
Jumlah Halaman10
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