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NIM (Student Number)B1A015134
Judul ArtikelToksisitas Limbah Cair Batik Hasil Biosorpsi Terhadap Struktur Histologis Ginjal Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio)
AbstrakPenelitian terkait histopatologis ginjal ikan yang terpapar limbah hasil biosorpsi perlu dilakukan karena ginjal merupakan organ target serta organ yang berperan penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan air serta mempertahankan lingkungan internal (osmoregulasi). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dampak pemaparan dan besarnya konsentrasi limbah cair batik hasil biosorpsi yang paling berdampak negatif terhadap struktur histologis ginjal Ikan Mas (Cyrinus carpio). Perlakuan terdiri dari K0 (air sumur), K1 (konsentrasi 25 % LC50 96 jam limbah cair batik hasil biosorbsi sebesar 1,32 % v.v-1), K2 (konsentrasi 50 % LC50 96 jam limbah cair batik hasil biosorbsi sebesar 2,64 % v.v-1), dan K3 (konsentrasi 75 % LC50 96 jam limbah cair batik hasil biosorbsi sebesar 3,96 % v.v-1). Hewan uji dipaparkan selama 7 hari dan pada hari ke-8 ikan dibedah kemudian diambil organ ginjal dan dibuat sediaan histologisnya lalu diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemaparan limbah cair batik hasil biosorpsi dengan konsentrasi berbeda memberikan dampak negatif pada kerusakan histologis ginjal berupa hipertrofi tubulus, nekrosis pada tubulus, dan nekrosis pada glomerulus. Perbesaran diameter Bowman’s space juga terjadi dengan diameter tebesar yaitu pada konsentrasi 3,96 % v.v-1 sebesar 6,55 ± 0,30 µm dan diameter terkecil pada kontrol sebesar 4,76 ± 0,40 µm. Konsentrasi limbah cair batik hasil biosorpsi yang paling mempengaruhi histopatologis ginjal (diameter Bowman’s space) ikan mas yaitu dari 75% LC50 96 jam sebesar 3,96 % v.v-1
Abstrak (Inggris)Histopathological studies related to the kidney of fish exposed to batik wastewater resulted from the biosorption process is necessary because the kidney is an organ that has always been the target organ and the organ that plays an important role in maintaining water balance and osmoregulation. This research aims to determine the effect of exposure batik wastewater resulted from the biosorption process on kidney histology of Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and determine the concentration that gives the most effect on it. The treatment consists of K0 (control) and three treatments of batik wastewater resulted from the biosorption process with different concentration from 25 %, 50 %, and 75 % LC50 96h, ie K1 1,32; K2 2,64, and K3 3,96 % v.v-1. The carp were exposed to batik wastewater resulted from the biosorption process for 7 days and on the 8th day the fish was dissected and the kidney was taken for histology process. The result of the research shows that exposure to batik wastewater resulted from the biosorption process with different concentration give an negative impact to the kidney histological such as tubular hypertrophy, tubular necrosis, and glomerular necrosis. Expansion of the diameter Bowman’s space also occurred with the largest diameter up to 6,55 ± 0,30 µm at concentration 3,96 % v.v-1 and the smallest diameter is 4,76 ± 0,40 µm at control. The concentration of batik wastewater resulted from the biosorption process which most affects the kidney histopathology is 75% LC50 96 h value of 3,96 % v.v-1.
Kata Kuncibiosorpsi, histologis ginjal, ikan mas, limbah cair batik
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Sri Lestari, S.Si., M.Si.
Nama Pembimbing 2Atang, S.Si., M.Si.
Jumlah Halaman9
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