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NIM (Student Number)A1D015059
Judul ArtikelPengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Urin Kelinci Dan Pengurangan Dosis Pupuk Anorganik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Bawang Daun (Allium Fistulosum L.)
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk organik cair urin kelinci terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang daun, (2) mengetahui pengaruh pengurangan dosis rekomendasi pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang daun, (3) mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk organik cair urin kelinci terhadap pengurangan dosis pupuk NPK pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang daun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2019 - November 2019 di screen house dan Laboratorium Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan pot menggunakan RAKL dengan dua faktor yang diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Faktor pertama dosis pupuk organik cair urin kelinci, terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu tanpa pupuk organik cair, 150 ml dan 300 ml tanaman-1. Faktor kedua pengurangan dosis pupuk anorganik, terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu tanpa pengurangan dosis anjuran = 500 kg ha-1 atau 1,16 kg tanaman-1, 25% dari dosis anjuran = 375 kg ha-1 atau 0,8 g tanaman-1, 50% dari dosis anjuran = 250 kg ha-1 atau 0,57 g tanaman-1. Variabel yang diamati, meliputi tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah daun (helai), jumlah anakan, luas daun (cm2), kandungan klorofil (unit/mm), bobot tajuk segar (g), bobot tajuk kering (g), bobot akar segar (g), dan bobot akar kering (g). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pupuk organik cair urin kelinci 300 ml/tanaman-1 mampu meningkatkan bobot tajuk segar, bobot tajuk kering, dan luas daun tanaman bawang daun. Pengurangan 50% dosis pupuk anorganik mampu meningkatkan bobot tajuk segar, bobot tajuk kering, dan luas daun tanaman bawang daun.Pengaruh interaksi antara pemberian pupuk organik cair urin kelinci dan pengurangan dosis pupuk anorganik terdapat pada bobot tajuk segar, bobot tajuk kering, dan luas daun tanaman bawang daun. Pemberian pupuk organik cair urin kelinci 300 ml tanaman-1 dan pengurangan dosis pupuk anorganik 50% bobot tajuk segar sebesar 36,61 g meningkat sebesar 62%, bobot tajuk kering sebesar 3,84 g meningkat sebesar 34,73%, dan luas daun 583,36 cm2 meningkat sebesar 54,93% dibanding tanpa pemberian pupuk organik cair urin kelinci dan tanpa pengurangan dosis pupuk anorganik
Abstrak (Inggris)This study aims to: (1) evaluate the effect of rabbit urine liquid organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of leek plants, (2) evaluate the effect of reducing the recommended NPK fertilizer dosage on the growth and yield of leek plants, (3) evaluate the effect of applying organic fertilizer liquid urine of rabbits against reducing the dose of NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of leek plants. This research was conducted in September 2019 - November 2019 in the screen house and the Agronomy and Horticulture Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University. This research was a pot experiment using RAKL with two factors which were repeated three times. The first factor is the dose of liquid organic fertilizer rabbit urine, consisting of 3 levels, namely without liquid organic fertilizer, 150 ml and 300 ml plant-1. The second factor is the reduction in the dose of inorganic fertilizer, consisting of 3 levels, namely without reducing the recommended dose = 500 kg ha-1 or 1.16 kg plant-1, 25% of the recommended dose = 375 kg ha-1 or 0.8 g plant-1 , 50% of the recommended dose = 250 kg ha-1 or 0.57 g of – plant-1. The observed variables included plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), number of tillers, leaf area (cm2), chlorophyll content (unit / mm), fresh crown weight (g), dry crown weight (g), root weight fresh (g), and dry root weight (g). The results showed that rabbit urine liquid fertilizer 300 ml / plant-1 was able to increase the weight of fresh crowns, dry crown weights, and leaf area of leek plants. Reduction of 50% dose of inorganic fertilizer can increase the weight of fresh canopy, weight of dry canopy, and leaf area of leek plants. leek plant. The application of rabbit urine liquid organic fertilizer 300 ml plant-1 and reduction of the dose of inorganic fertilizer by 50% fresh canopy weight by 36.61 g increased by 62%, dry canopy weight by 3.84 g increased by 34.73%, and leaf area 583 36 cm2 increased by 54.93% compared without the administration of rabbit urine liquid organic fertilizer and without a reduction in the dose of inorganic fertilizer
Kata KunciKata Kunci: Bawang daun, pupuk organik cair urin kelinci, dan pupuk anorganik.
Nama Pembimbing 1Ir. Eny Rokhminarsi, M.P.
Nama Pembimbing 2Ir. Agus Sarjito, M.Sc.
Jumlah Halaman15
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