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NIM (Student Number)D1A016241
AbstrakTujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ekstrak daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) terhadap warna dan total asam tertitrasi yogurt susu kambing, serta mengetahui persentase terbaik penambahan ekstrak daun kelor terhadap warna dan total asam tertitrasi. Materi yang digunakan adalah 5 liter susu kambing dan 300 ml ekstrak daun kelor. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diteliti yaitu R0 (0% ekstrak daun kelor), R1 (4% ekstrak daun kelor), R2 (8% ekstrak daun kelor) dan R3 (12% ekstrak daun kelor). Hasil penelitian dianalisis variansi, kemudian diuji lanjut menggunakan Ortogonal Polinomial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak daun kelor dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap warna dan total asam tertitrasi yogurt susu kambing. Rataan warna (L*, a* dan b*) yogurt sebesar R0= 75,90; -3,84; 10,65; R1= 69,25; -5,25; 13,48; R2= 64,00; -6,66; 17,61 dan R3= 61,96; -7,23; 19,56. Rataan total asam tertitrasi yogurt sebesar R0= 0,90%, R1= 1,04%, R2= 0,93%, R3= 0,86%. Persamaan garis warna kecerahan yogurt adalah y= -1,1768x + 74,838 dengan R²= 68,82%, warna kehijauan adalah y= -0,2895x – 4,008 dengan R²= 86,39% dan warna kekuningan adalah y= 0,7715x + R²= 90,68%, sedangkan pada total asam tertitrasi adalah y= -0,0034x² + 0,0349x + 0,9127 dengan R²= 40,94%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah penambahan ekstrak daun kelor menyebabkan warna semakin hijau dan total asam tertitrasi yogurt susu kambing semakin turun serta penambahan ekstrak daun kelor pada yogurt susu kambing terbaik pada penambahan ekstrak sebesar 12% dengan kriteria kriteria memiliki kecerahan semakin pekat dan warnanya hijau kekuningan serta memiliki total asam tertitrasi terkecil sebesar 0,86%.
Abstrak (Inggris)The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of Moringa oleifera leaf extract to the color and total titrated acid of goat milk yogurt, and to find out the best percentage of Moringa oleifera extract addition to color and total titrated acid. The material used was 5 liters of goat milk and 300 ml of Moringa leaf extract. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments studied were R0 (0% moringa leaf extract), R1 (4% moringa leaf extract), R2 (8% moringa leaf extract) and R3 (12% moringa leaf extract). The results of the study were analyzed for variance, then tested further using Orthogonal Polynomials. The results showed that the addition of Moringa leaf extract with different concentrations had a very significant effect (P <0.01) on the color and total titrated acid of goat milk yogurt. The average color (L *, a * and b *) of yogurt is R0 = 75.90; -3.84; 10,65; R1 = 69.25; -5.25; 13.48; R2 = 64.00; -6.66; 17.61 and R3 = 61.96; -7.23; 19.56. The average of total acid titrated yogurt is R0 = 0.90%, R1 = 1.04%, R2 = 0.93%, R3 = 0.86%. The yogurt brightness color line equation is y = -1.1768x + 74.838 with R² = 68.82%, the greenish color is y = -0.2895x - 4.008 with R² = 86.39% and the yellowish color is y = 0.7715x + R² = 90.68%, while the total titrated acid was y = -0.0034x² + 0.0349x + 0.9127 with R² = 40.94%. The conclusion of this research is the addition of Moringa leaf extract causes the color to be green and the total acid titrated by goat milk yogurt decreases and the addition of Moringa leaf extract in the best goat milk yogurt is in the addition of extract by 12% with the criteria of having a more concentrated brightness and yellowish green color and having the smallest total titrated acid was 0.86%.
Kata Kunciyogurt, susu kambing, ekstrak daun kelor, warna, total asam tertitrasi
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Triana Setyawardani, S.Pt., MP
Nama Pembimbing 2Ir. Kusuma Widayaka, M.S
Jumlah Halaman9
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