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NIM (Student Number)A1A015066
Judul ArtikelAnalisis Persediaan Benih Padi Di PT Pertani (Persero) Cabang Banyumas
AbstrakPT Pertani (Persero) UPB Cabang Banyumas merupakan salah satu produsen benih padi. Benih padi yang dihasilkan adalah benih padi bersertifikat. Benih padi yang diproduksi terdiri dari beberapa varietas salah satunya Situbagendit. Sistem pengendalian persediaan merupakan hal penting agar produktivitas perusahaan dapat berjalan lancar. Tujuan penelitian ini 1) Mengetahui pengadaan persediaan benih padi di PT Pertani (Persero) Banyumas. 2) Menghitung besarnya persedian benih padi dan besarnya efisiensi biaya persediaan benih padi yang harus dilakukan oleh PT Pertani (Persero) Banyumas. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Penentuan lokasi menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). Nilai EOQ benih padi Varietas Situbagendit di PT Pertani (Persero) UPB cabang Banyumas Tahun 2018 sebesar 38,961.95 kg dengan pembelian benih padi dilakukan hanya 6 bulan dalam setahun. Safety stock yang harus dimiliki PT Pertani (Persero) UPB cabang Banyumas Tahun 2018 31,860 kg Maximum supply of 70,822.45 kg, ROP (Reorder Point) 43,849.00 kg and the cost of procurement of rice seeds are economically average Rp 1,704,830.50.
Abstrak (Inggris)PT Pertani (Persero) UPB Banyumas Branch is one of the producers of rice seeds. The resulting rice seed is certified rice seed. The rice seed produced consists of several varieties, one of which is Situbagendit. Inventory Control systems are important for company productivity to run smoothly. The purpose of this research is 1) knowing the procurement of rice seed supplies in PT Pertani (Persero) Banyumas. 2) Calculating the amount of rice seed and the amount of efficiency of the cost of rice seed supplies that must be done by PT Pertani (Persero) Banyumas. This method of research is a case study. Location determination using purposive sampling method. Research is conducted using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). EOQ value of rice seed Situbagendit varieties in PT Pertani (Persero) UPB Branch of Banyumas year 2018 amounting to 38,961.95 kg with the purchase of rice seed is done only 6 months in a year. Safety stock of PT Pertani (Persero) The UPB Branch of Banyumas year 2018 31.860 kg Maximum supply of 70,822.45 kg, ROP (Reorder Point) 43,849.00 kg and the cost of procurement of rice seeds are economically average Rp 1,704,830.50.
Kata Kuncieconomic order quantity
Nama Pembimbing 1Ratna Satriani, S.P., M.Sc
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. rer. agr. Ir. Djeimy K., M.Sc. Agr
Jumlah Halaman73
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