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NIM (Student Number)J1A016002
Judul ArtikelAnalysis of Directive Speech Act Used In Frozen Movie (2013)
AbstrakABSTRAK Nurhasanah, Ima. 2020. Analysis of Directive Speech Act Used In Frozen Movie (2013). Skripsi. Pembimbing 1: R. Pujo Handoyo, S.S., M.Hum., Pembimbing 2: Nadia Gitya Yulianita, S.S., M.Li, Penguji: Dr. Chusni Hadiati, S.S., M. Hum., Kementrian Riset, Teknologi, dan Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Purwokerto. Penelitian yang berjudul Analysis of Directive Speech Act Used In Frozen Movie (2013) ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tipe-tipe directive speech acts yang di ucapkan oleh karakter Elsa dan King juga menganalisis ciri-cirinya dengan menggunakan Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices (IFID’s) pada film Frozen (2013). Dengan menggunakan teori tipe-tipe directive speech acts dari John R. Searle and Daniel Vanderveken (1985), studi ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Data yang digunakan oleh studi ini didapatkan dari ujaran Elsa dan King ketika melakukan percakapan dengan karakter lain di film Frozen (2013). Hasil pada studi ini menunjukan bahwa ada 12 dari 24 tipe-tipe directive speech acts yang dihasilkan oleh Elsa dan King, yaitu: kata yang terdampak oleh asumsi yang dihasilkan oleh anak-anak, yaitu; tipe Request sebanyak 6 kali (18,20%), tipe Tell sebanyak 4 kali (12,12%), tipe Urge sebanyak 3 kali (9,09%), tipe Prohibit sebanyak 1 kali (3,03%), tipe Order sebanyak 8 kali (24,24%), tipe Command 2 kali (6,06%), tipe Recommend sebanyak 1 kali (3,03%), tipe Forbid sebanyak 3 times (9,09%), tipe Beg sebanyak 2 kali (6,06%), tipe Warn sebanyak 1 kali (3,03%), tipe Permit sebanyak 1 kali (3,03%), dan untuk tipe Ask sebanyak 1 kali (3,03%). Tipe-tipe tersebut dibagi berdasarkan ciri-ciri directive speech acts dalam IFID’s. Ciri-ciri tersebut dibagi menjadi 4, yaitu: Performative Verb, Word Order, Stress dan Intonation, juga Quality Voice. Temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa directive speech acts lebih mudah ditemukan pada ujaran yang diucapkan seseorang yang mempunyai kekuatan dan otoritas lebih seperti raja, presiden, dan lain sebagainya.
Abstrak (Inggris)ABSTRACT Nurhasanah, Ima. 2020. Analysis of Directive Speech Act Used In Frozen Movie (2013). Thesis. Supervisor 1: R. Pujo Handoyo, S.S., M.Hum., Supervisor 2: Nadia Gitya Yulianita, S.S., M.Li, External Examiner: Dr. Chusni Hadiati, S.S., M. Hum., Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Jenderal Soedirman University, Faculty of Humanities, English Department, English Literature Study Program, Purwokerto. The research entitled Analysis of Directive Speech Act Used In Frozen Movie (2013) is aimed to analyze the type of directive speech acts produced by Elsa and King also the characteristics by using Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices (IFID’s) In Frozen Movie (2013). By applying Type of Directive Speech Acts from John R. Searle and Daniel Vanderveken (1985), this research belongs to qualitative research. Meanwhile, the data of this research were Elsa and King’s utterance when they do the conversation with other characters in Frozen Movie (2013). The result shows that there are 12 from 24 types found in the movie produced by Elsa and King, which are 6 times (18,20%) Request type of directive speech acts, 4 times (12,12%) Tell type of directive speech acts, 3 times (9,09%) Urge type of directive speech acts, once (3,03%) Prohibit type of directive speech acts, 8 times (24,24%) Order type of directive speech acts, 2 times (6,06%) Command type of directive speech acts, once (3,03%) Recommend type of directive speech acts, 3 times (9,09%) Forbid type of directive speech acts, 2 times (6,06%) Beg type of directive speech acts, once (3,03%) Warn type of directive speech acts, once (3,03%) Permit type of directive speech act, and once (3,03%) Ask type of directive speech acts. Those types were classified based on the characteristics of directive speech acts in IFID’s. There are four kinds of IFID’s, those are; Performative Verb, Word Order, Stress and Intonation, also Quality Voice. The finding leads to a conclusion that directive speech act is easily found in the utterances that produced by person who has power and authority like king, president, etc.
Kata KunciKata Kunci: tipe directive speech acts, percakpaan, ujaran, Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices (IFID’s), Frozen Movie (2013), pragmatik
Nama Pembimbing 1R.Pujo Handoyo, S.S., M.Hum
Nama Pembimbing 2Nadia Gitya Yulianita, S.Pd., M.Li
Jumlah Halaman11
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