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NIM (Student Number)D1A016105
Judul ArtikelPengaruh Tipe Persilangan Itik Tegal dan Itik Magelang terhadap Kualitas Telur
AbstrakTujuan untuk mengetahui rataan dan simpang baku serta pengaruh tipe persilangan itik Tegal dan itik Magelang terhadap kualitas telur. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelompok peternak itik Unggas Sari, Desa Banjarsari Kulon RT 02/ RW 03, Kecamatan Sumbang, Kabupaten Banyumas. Materi yang digunakan terdiri dari itik Tegal dan itik Magelang sebanyak 80 ekor yang terbagi menjadi 20 ekor itik dalam 4 tipe persilangan yaitu P1 : itik Magelang dengan itik Magelang; P2 : itik Magelang dengan itik Tegal; P3 : itik Tegal dengan itik Magelang; dan P4 : itik Tegal dengan itik Tegal, dengan masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan ulangan 5 kali. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis variansi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh rataan dan simpang baku pada indeks putih telur, indeks kuning telur, warna kuning telur dan haugh unit P1 (9,00+1,54; 42,30+2,00; 9,13+0,38; dan 78,76+7,50), P2 (9,20+0,97; 41,80+3,62; 9,13+0,38 dan 81,33+4,44), P3 (12,06+1,59; 46,56+2,59; 9,20+0,90; dan 89,50+6,25), P4 (7,96+0,77; 45,07+1,13; 9,73+0,28; dan 73,04+3,92). Hasil analisis variansi pada tipe persilangan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap IPT dan HU, berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap IKT dan tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap WKT.
Abstrak (Inggris)The objective was to determine the mean and standard intersection and the effect of the type of cross between Tegal and Magelang ducks on egg quality. The research was conducted in the Poultry Sari duck breeders group, Banjarsari Kulon Village RT 02 / RW 03, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency. The materials used consisted of 80 ducks from Tegal and Magelang ducks which were divided into 20 ducks in 4 types of crosses, namely P1: Magelang ducks with Magelang ducks; P2: Magelang ducks with Tegal ducks; P3: Tegal ducks with Magelang ducks; and P4 : Tegal ducks with Tegal ducks, with each treatment being repeated 5 times. Each type of cross consists of 5 replications and each replication unit consists of 1 male duck and 3 female ducks. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained that the mean and standard deviations on the egg white index, egg yolk index, egg yolk color and haugh unit P1 (9.00 + 1.54; 42.30 + 2.00; 9.13 + 0.38; and 78.76 + 7.50), P2 (9.20 + 0.97; 41.80 + 3.62; 9.13 + 0.38 and 81.33 + 4.44), P3 (12.06+ 1.59; 46.56 + 2.59; 9.20 + 0.90; and 89.50 + 6.25), P4 41.80 + 3.62; 9.13 + 0.38 and 81.33 + 4.44), P3 (12.06 + 1.59; 46.56 + 2.59; 9.20 + 0.90; and 89.50 + 6, 25), P4 41.80 + 3.62; 9.13 + 0.38 and 81.33 + 4.44), P3 (12.06 + 1.59; 46.56 + 2.59; 9.20 + 0.90; and 89.50 + 6, 25), P4 (7.96 + 0.77; 45.07 + 1.13; 9.73 + 0.28; and 73.04 + 3.92). The results of the analysis of variance on the type of cross had a very significant effect (P <0.01) on IPT and HU, significantly (P <0.05) on IKT and had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on WKT. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that the type of cross has an effect on IPT, IKT and HU and produces good egg quality, namely P3, because the higher the value of egg quality, the better the egg produced.
Kata KunciKualitas telur, itik Tegal dan Magelang, persilangannya.
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Ir. Dattadewi Purwantini, MS
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. sc. agr. Ir. R. Singgih Sugeng Santoso, M.P.
Jumlah Halaman11
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