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NIM (Student Number)K1A016037
Nama MahasiswaADE LIA OKTORA
AbstrakProtease merupakan enzim yang dapat menghidrolisis protein menjadi senyawa yang lebih sederhana seperti peptida dan asam amino. Ekstrak kasar enzim protease diisolasi dari bakteri Bacillus subtilis B1 dapat membantu hidrolisis protein pada susu kambing Peranakan Etawa. Susu kambing Peranakan Etawa memiliki kandungan protein sangat tinggi yang terdiri dari kasein dan whey. Pada penelitian ini dianalisis aktivitas proteolitik B. subtilis B1, fase eksponensial, aktivitas protease terhadap pengaruh waktu inkubasi, dan kadar protein. Karakterisasi enzim dilakukan untuk menentukan suhu dan pH optimum protease, pengaruh penambahan ion logam dan EDTA. Aktivitas protease ditentukan dengan metode Kunitz, kadar protein ditentukan dengan metode Lowry. Hidrolisis susu kambing dilakukan dengan menginkubasi substrat kasein dan whey selama 10-60 menit, kemampuan hidrolisisnya diuji menggunakan parameter derajat hidrolisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas proteolitik secara kualitatif ditandai dengan terbentuknya zona bening di sekitar koloni bakteri pada media yang mengandung susu skim, fase eksponensial terjadi pada jam ke-9, aktivitas protease tertinggi terjadi pada jam ke-12 sebesar 0,014 Unit/mL, dan kadar protein sebesar 10,334 mg/mL. Enzim menunjukkan aktivitas optimum pada suhu 50 °C yang menghasilkan aktivitas sebesar 0,016 Unit/mL dan kisaran pH 8-9. Penambahan ion Ca2+dan Mg2+ berfungsi sebagai aktivator yang dapat meningkatkan aktivitas enzim. Penambahan ion Zn2+, Cu2+, Co2+ dan EDTA berperan sebagai inhibitor yang dapat menurunkan aktivitas enzim pada konsentrasi 0,01 M dan 0,05 M. Nilai derajat hidrolisis tertinggi diperoleh pada inkubasi selama 60 menit dengan derajat hidrolisis kasein sebesar 39% dan whey sebesar 37%.
Abstrak (Inggris)Protease is an enzyme that can hydrolyze protein into simpler compounds such as peptides and amino acids. The crude extract of the protease enzyme was isolated from the bacterium Bacillus subtilis B1 which can help protein hydrolysis in Etawa crossbreed goat milk. Etawa crossbreed goat milk has a very high protein content consisting of casein and whey. The purpose of this study was to characterize the protease enzyme produced by the bacterium Bacillus subtilis B1 and to the test the protein hydrolysis ability of Etawa crossbreed goat milik (PE). In this study analyzed the proteolytic activity of B. subtilis B1, exponential phase, protease activity on the effect of incubation time, and protein contents. Enzyme characterization was carried out to determine the optimum temperature and pH of the protease, the effect of adding metal ions and EDTA. The protease activity was determined by the Kunitz method, the protein content was determined by the Lowry method. The hydrolysis of goat milk is carried out by incubating the casein and whey substrate for 10-60 minutes, the hydrolysis ability was tested using the degree of hydrolysis parameter. The results showed that the proteolytic activity was qualitatively characterized by formation of a clear zone surrounded their bacterial colony on media containing skim milk, the exponential phase occurred to 9 hour, the highest protease activity occurred to 12 hour of 0.014 Unit/mL, and protein contents at the amount of 10.334 mg/mL. Enzymes show optimum activity at a temperature of 50 °C which results in an activity of 0.016 Unit/mL and a pH range of 8-9. The addition of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions functions as an activator that can increase enzyme activity. The addition of Zn2+, Cu2+, Co2+ ions and EDTA acts as an inhibitor that can reduce enzyme activity at concentrations of 0.01 M and 0.05 M. The highest value of hydrolysis degree was obtained at incubation for 60 minutes with the degree of hydrolysis casein of 39% and whey of 37%.
Kata KunciBacillus subtilis, karakterisasi protease, kasein, susu kambing, whey
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Puji Lestari, M. Si
Nama Pembimbing 2Zusfahair, M. Si
Jumlah Halaman37
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