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NIM (Student Number)B1A016144
Judul ArtikelAktivitas Antibakteri dan Identifikasi Bakteri Sedimen Mangrove Pantai Logending Kebumen Penghasil Senyawa Antibakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Eschericia coli
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi, aktivitas dan identitias bakteri penghasil zat antibakteri dari sedimen mangrove pantai Logending, Kebumen. Penelitian dilakukan dari Januari – Oktober. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode survei. Tahapan penelitian meliputi rekultur isolat bakteri, skrining dan seleksi bakteri penghasil zat antibakteri, penentuan konsentrasi hambat minimum, identifikasi bakteri secara morfologi, biokimia, fisiologi dan molekuler berdasarkan atas urutan gen 16S rRNA. Sebanyak 35 isolat diseleksi dan didapatkan dua isolat yakni isolat LG137 dan LG135 yang memiliki kemampuan terbaik menghambat Staphylococcus aureus dan Eschericia coli. Kedua isolat diketahui termasuk ke dalam genus Bacillus setelah dikarakterisasi secara fenetik. Ekstrak kasar isolat LG137 memiliki aktivitas tertinggi terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dengan diameter zona hambat sebesar 9 mm dan konsentrasi hambat minimum sebesar 40%. Ekstrak kasar isolat LG135 memiliki aktivitas tertinggi terhadap Eschericia coli dengan diameter zona hambat sebesar 10 mm dan konsentrasi hambat minimum sebesar 40%. Hasil identifikasi secara molekuler menggunakan gen penyandi 16S rRNA menunjukkan isolat LG137 memiliki kemiripan sebesar 99,79% dengan Bacillus aerius strain 24K sedangkan isolat LG135 memiliki kemiripan sebesar 98,25% dengan Bacillus pseudomycoides strain NBRC 101232.
Abstrak (Inggris)This study aims to know the potential and activity of bacteria from mangrove sediments of Logending beach, Kebumen in producing antibacterial compounds. In addition, this study also aims to identify isolates that produce antibacterial compounds from mangrove sediments of Logending beach, Kebumen. The study was conducted from January to October 2020. The research design used was a survey method. The research stages included subculture, screening and selection of antibacterial producing bacteria, determination of minimum inhibition concentrations (MIC), identification based on morphological, biochemical, physiological and 16S rRNA gene sequences. A total of 35 isolates were screened and two isolates were obtained, namely LG137 and LG135, which had the best ability to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus and Eschericia coli respectively. Both isolates were known to belong in the genus Bacillus after macromorphology, micromorphology, biochemistry and physiology characterization. LG137 crude extract had the highest activity against Staphylococcus aureus with 9 mm inhibition zone and MIC value of at least 40%. LG135 crude extract isolate had the highest activity against Eschericia coli with 10 mm inhibition zone and MIC value of at least 40%. The results of molecular analysis using the 16S rRNA coding gene showed that the LG137 isolate was 99.79% similar to Bacillus aerius strain 24K, while LG135 isolate had a 98.25% similarity with Bacillus pseudomycoides strain NBRC 101232.
Kata Kunciantibakteri, E. coli, gen 16S rRNA, identifikasi, S. aureus.
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Hendro Pramono, M. S
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Dini Ryandini, M. Si.
Jumlah Halaman10
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