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NIM (Student Number)A1D016048
Judul ArtikelPengkajian Pertumbuhan, Hasil, dan Mutu Hasil Tanaman Sawi Putih pada Campuran Media Tanam dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Daun
AbstrakSawi putih merupakan salah satu sayuran yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi di Indonesia. Seiring berjalannya waktu, sawi putih mengalami penurunan produksi akibat tingkat kesuburan tanah yang menurun. Hal ini perlu adanya upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi sawi putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengkaji pengaruh campuran media tanam arang sekam dan kompos kotoran kambing terhadap pertumbuhan, hasil, dan mutu hasil sawi putih, (2) mengkaji pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk daun terhadap pertumbuhan, hasil, dan mutu hasil sawi putih, (3) mengkaji pengaruh interaksi antara campuran media tanam arang sekam dengan kompos kotoran kambing dan konsentrasi pupuk daun terhadap pertumbuhan, hasil, dan mutu hasil sawi putih, (4) memilih perlakuan terbaik atas dasar hasil dan mutu hasil sawi putih. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 28 Juli sampai 6 September 2020 di Screenhouse Exfarm Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto dan Laboratorium Agronomi dan Hortikultura Fakultas Pertanian Unsoed. Penelitian berupa percobaan pot faktorial 4x3 dengan menggunakan Rangcangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) yang diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah campuran media tanam arang sekam dan kompos kotoran kambing perbandingam 1:0, 1:0,5, 1:1, dan 1:2. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi pupuk daun Growmore 0 g/L, 1,5 g/L dan 3 g/L. Variabel yang diamati yaitu variabel pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, luas daun, jumlah daun, bobot tanaman segar, bobot akar segar, bobot tanaman kering, bobot akar kering), variable hasil (bobot tajuk segar, bobot tajuk kering) dan variable mutu hasil (kadar vitamin C, kadar serat kasar). Analisis data menggunakan uji F 95%, dilanjut uji DMRT pada taraf yang sama dan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) campuran media tanam mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan secara linear dan hasil sawi putih meningkat sebesar 1312 %, dan pertumbuhan sawi putih, tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada mutu hasil (kadar vitamin C dan kadar serat), (2) pemberian konsentrasi pupuk daun meningkatkan pertumbuhan secara linear (jumlah daun dan bobot tanaman kering) dan hasil sawi putih meningkat sebesar 50 %, tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada variabel mutu hasil (kadar vitamin C dan kadar serat), (3) tidak terdapat interaksi antara penggunaan media tanam campuran arang sekam + kompos kotoran kambing dengan konsentrasi pupuk daun Growmore pada seluruh variabel pertumbuhan, hasil, dan mutu hasil sawi putih, (4) perlakuan yang paling baik atas dasar pertumbuhan, hasil, dan mutu hasil tanaman sawi putih adalah campuran media tanam arang sekam + kompos kotoran kambing 1:2 dan konsentrasi pupuk daun 3 g/L
Abstrak (Inggris)White mustard is one of the vegetables that has a high economic value in Indonesia. However, over time the chicory has decreased its production. The decline in chicory production is caused by the decreasing soil fertility. This needs to be an effort to increase the production of white mustard. This research aims to (1) examine the influence of mixed planting media (rice husk charcoal and goat manure compost) on the growth, yield, and quality of the white mustard, (2) examine the effect of foliar fertilizer concentration on growth, yield, and yield quality of the white mustard, (3) examine the effect of the interaction between mixed growing media (rice husk charcoal + goat manure compost) and the concentration of foliar fertilizers on growth, yield and yield quality of the white mustard, (4) choose the best treatment based on growth, yield, and yield quality of the white mustard. The research was conducted from 28 July 2020 to 6 September 2020 at the Exfarm Screenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University, Karangwangkal, Purwokerto, and the Laboratory of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University. The research is in the form of a pot experiment, the treatment design is factorial with 2 factors 4 x 3. The experimental environmental design used in this study is a Complete Randomized Block Design. The first factor is the mixture of planting media and the second factor is the concentration of foliar fertilizer. The mixture of planting media husk charcoal without goat manure compost with the ratios of 1:0, 1:0,5, 1:1, and 1:2. The second factor is the concentration of growmore leaf fertilizer which consists of 3 levels, namely 0, 1.5g / L, and 3g / L. The variables observed are growth variables (plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, fresh plant weight, fresh root weight, dry plant weight, dry root weight), yield variable (fresh shoot weight, dry shoot weight), and yield quality variable (vitamin C content and fiber content) Data analysis used the F test 95%, followed by the DMRT teat at the same level and regression. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the mixture of planting media was able to increase linear growth and yield of chicory by 1312 %, but has no effect on the quality of the yield (vitamin C content and crude fiber content), (2) fertilizer concentration was able to increases linear growth (number of leaves, and dry plant weight) and yield of chicory increased by 50%, but does not affect the yield quality variables (vitamin C and fiber content), (3) there is no interaction between the use of a mixture of husk charcoal + goat manure compost with the concentration of Growmore foliar fertilizer on all growth, yield, and yield variables of chicory, (4) the best treatment on the basis of growth, yield, and yield quality of chicory is a mixture of rice husk planting media + goat manure compost with a ratio of 1:2 and a concentration of 3 g / L of foliar fertilizer.
Kata KunciSawi putih, media tanam, pupuk Growmore
Nama Pembimbing 1Ir. Eny Rokhminarsi, M.P
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Ir. Ismangil, M.S
Jumlah Halaman10
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