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NIM (Student Number)G1F008032
AbstrakTablet dispersibel merupakan salah satu bentuk sediaan tablet yang digunakan dengan cara mendispersikan tablet terlebih dahulu. Kalium Diklofenak merupakan salah satu obat analgesik kuat yang sering digunakan dalam terapi analgeseik pada osteoarthritis dan Rhematoid Artrhitis. Kalium diklofenak dibuat dalam sediaan tablet dispersible dimaksudkan untuk mempercepat onset. Kombinasi Avicel PH-101 sebagai bahan pengisi dengan amprotab sebagai bahan disintegrasi dalam pembuatan tablet dispersible Kalium Diklofenak diharapkan dapat mempercepat waktu terdispersi tablet. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proporsi optimum campuran Avicel PH 101 dan amprotab dalam formulasi tablet dispersibelKalium diklofenak dengan metode Simplex Lattice Design. Formula tablet di rancang berdasarkan metode SLD dengan eksipien Avicel PH-101 (A) dan Amprotab (B) yaitu : F1(100%A), F2(100%B), F3 (50%A:50%B), F4 (75%A:25%B), F5 (25%A:75%B). Tablet dispersibel kalium diklofenak dibuat dengan metode kempa langsung. Kemudian diuji sifat fisiknya yang meliputi keseragaman bobot, keseragaman ukuran, kekerasan, kerapuhan, waktu disintegrasi, waktu terdispersi, waktu terbasahi, dan penetapan kadar. Untuk memilih formula optimum digunakan metode Simplex Lattice Design 2 faktorial. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa campuran Avicel PH 101 – Amprotab dapat mempengaruhi karakteristik fisik tablet dengan meningkatkan variasi keseragaman bobot, meningkatkan kekerasan, memperlama waktu terdispersi dan memperlama waktu hancur tablet dispersibel kalium diklofenak. Berdasar perhitungan respon total, formula optimum diperoleh pada campuran 10% Avicel PH 101 dan 90% Amprotab. Perhitungan tentang formula optimum didasarkan pada perhitungan nilai respon total yang tertinggi. Kata Kunci : Tablet Dispersibel, Kalium Diklofenak,Simplex Lattice Design.
Abstrak (Inggris)Dispersibel tablets is a dosage fromused by dispersing the tablet in advance. Potassium Diclofenac is one of strong analgesic drug that is often used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid Artrhitis. Potassium Diclofenac was made in dispersible tablets intended to accelerate the onset. The combination of Avicel PH-101 as a filler with amprotab as disintegrator in the formulation of dispersible tablet Potassium Diclofenac were expected to accelerate time-dispersible of tablet. The research objective was to determine the optimum mix proportion of Avicel PH 101 and amprotab in a formulation of diclofenac potassium dispersibel tablet using Simplex Lattice Design method. Tablet formula is designed based on Simplex Lattice Design method with excipients Avicel PH-101 (A) and Amprotab (B), namely: F1 (100% A), F2 (100% B), F3 (50% A: 50% B), F4 (75% A: 25% B), F5 (25% A: 75% B). Dispersibel tablets Potassium Diclofenac was made by direct compression method. Then the physical properties which were uniformity of weight, size uniformity, hardness, friability, disintegration time, dispertion time, wetting time, and content of the tablet were tested. Simplex Lattice Design 2 factorial method was used to select the optimum formula. Based on the research known that a combination of Avicel PH 101 - Amprotab can affect the physical characteristics of tablets by increasing variation variety of weight, increasing hardness, prolong the dispertion time and prolong the disintegration time of diclofenac potassium dispersibel tablets. Based on the calculation of the total response, optimum formula obtained in a mixture of 10% Avicel PH 101 and 90% Amprotab. The calculation of the optimum formula is based on the calculation of the highest total response. Keywords:, Dispersible Tablets, Diclofenac Potassium,Simplex Lattice Design.
Kata KunciTablet Dispersibel, Kalium Diklofenak,Simplex Lattice Design.
Nama Pembimbing 1Dhadhang Wahyu Kurniawan, M.Sc., Apt
Nama Pembimbing 2Vitis Vini Fera R.U., M.Sc., Apt.
Jumlah Halaman11
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