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NIM (Student Number)A1D017108
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan 1) Mengetahui pengaruh macam pupuk NZEO-SR Plus terhadap efisiensi nitrogen, pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi tanaman padi, 2) Mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk NZEO-SR Plus terhadap efisiensi nitrogen, pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi tanaman padi, 3) Mengetahui interaksi macam dan dosis pupuk yang paling efisien untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi tanaman padi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2020 sampai bulan Januari 2021 di Desa Pelayangan, Kecamatan Gebang, Kabupaten Cirebon, Laboratorium Kimia Tanah, Laboratorium Agronomi dan Hortikultura Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan dua faktor. Perlakuan pertama yaitu macam pupuk (Urea, NZEO-SR Plus 1% dan NZEO-SR Plus 3%) dan faktor kedua yaitu dosis pupuk N (0 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha dan 200 kg/ha). Variabel yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, kehijauan daun, biomassa tanaman, panjang akar, rerata luas daun, jumlah anakan produktif, panjang malai, jumlah gabah permalai, persentase gabah isi, bobot gabah per rumpun, bobot gabah kering giling, serapan N, efisiensi serapan N, efisiensi agronomi dan efisiensi fisiologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pupuk Urea, NZEO-SR Plus 1% dan NZEO-SR Plus 3% tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap semua variabel pengamatan. Dosis optimum nitrogen berdasarkan beberapa variabel pengamatan meliputi biomassa tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif, bobot gabah perrumpun dan efisiensi fisiologi yaitu sebesar 145,03 kg/ha. Namun, hasil produksi padi menunjukkan kenaikan secara linier sampai perlakuan dosis 200 kg/ha dengan bobot gabah 5511,11 kg/ha. Tidak terjadi interaksi antara jenis pupuk dan dosis nitrogen pada semua variabel pengamatan.
Abstrak (Inggris)This study aims to 1) determine the effect of NZEO-SR Plus fertilizer on nitrogen efficiency, growth and yield of rice plant production, 2) determine the effect of NZEO-SR Plus fertilizer dose on nitrogen efficiency, growth and yield of rice plants, 3) determine the interaction the most efficient type and dose of fertilizer to increase the growth and yield of rice plants. The research was carried out from August 2020 to January 2021 in the village ofServant, Gebang District, Cirebon Regency, Soil Chemistry Laboratory, Agronomy and Horticulture Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with two factors. The first treatment was the type of fertilizer (Urea, NZEO-SR Plus 1% and NZEO-SR Plus 3%) and the second factor was the dose of N fertilizer (0 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha and 200 kg/ha). The variables observed included plant height, number of tillers, leaf greenness, plant biomass, root length, mean leaf area, number of productive tillers, panicle length, number of panicle grain, percentage of grain content, weight of grain per clump, weight of milled dry grain, N uptake. , N uptake efficiency, agronomic efficiency and physiological efficiency. The results showedthat Urea, NZEO-SR Plus 1% dan NZEO-SR Plus 3% fertilizer did not have a significant effect on all observed variables. The optimum dose of nitrogen was based on several observational variables including plant biomass, number of productive tillers, weight of grain in the clump and physiological efficiency of 145.03 kg/ha. However, the yield of rice showed a linear increase up to a treatment dose of 200 kg/ha with a grain weight of 5511.11 kg/ha. There was no interaction between the type of fertilizer and nitrogen dose in all observation variables.
Kata Kuncipadi, jenis pupuk, macam dosis, efisiensi nitrogen, zeolit.
Nama Pembimbing 1Ir. Kharisun, Ph.D
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Khavid Faozi, S.P., M.P.
Jumlah Halaman14
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