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NIM (Student Number)A1D017044
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk NPK-SR dan dosis ompos yang tepat dalam meningkatkan serapan hara P dan hasil padi pada Ultisols yang disawahkan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada November 2020 sampai Juli 2021 di Laboratorium Ilmu Tanah dan Sumber Daya Lahan dan Screen House Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lemgkap (RAKL) yang terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah ukuran kehalusan butir pupuk NPK-SR yang terdiri atas enam jenis yaitu P0 (tanpa pemberian pupuk NPK-SR dan zeolit), P1 (pupuk NPK-SR diameter zeolit 30 mesh), P2 (pupuk NPK-SR diamter zeolit 35 mesh), P2 (pupuk NPK-SR diameter zeolit 35 mesh), P3 (pupuk NPK-SR diameter zeolit 60 mesh), P4 (pupuk NPK-SR diameter zeolit 100 mesh), dan P5 (pupuk NPK-SR diameter zeolit 140 mesh). Faktor kedua adalah perlakuan dosis kompos yang terdiri atas tiga dosis, yaitu: K0 (kompos setara 0 ton/ha), K1 (kompos setara 20 ton/ha), dan K2 (kompos setara 40 ton/ha). Variabel pengamatan pada penelitian ini antara lain serapan P, bobot tajuk segar, bobot akar segar, bobot tajuk kering, bobot akar kering, jumlah anakan, persentase gabah hampa, dan bobot gabah. Ukuran kehalusan butir pupuk NPK-SR dapat meningkatkan hasil tanaman padi kecuali pada bobot akar segar dan persentase gabah hampa, serta berpengaruh terhadap serapan P. Dosis kompos memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap semua variabel. Interaksi ukuran kehalusan butir pupuk NPK-SR dan dosis kompos berpengaruh terhadap serapan P dan jumlah anakan. Perlakuan yang menghasilkan serapan P tertinggi yaitu pada perlakuan P2K1 atau kombinasi ukuran kehalusan butir pupuk NPK-SR diameter zeolit 35 mesh dan dosis kompos setara 20 ton/ha sedangkan perlakuan terbaik terhadap jumlah anakan yaitu pada kombinasi ukuran kehalusan butir pupuk NPK-SR diameter zeolit 35 mesh dan dosis kompos setara 40 ton/ha.
Abstrak (Inggris)This study aimed to determine the effect of slow release NPK-fertilizer application and the right compost dose in increasing P nutrient uptake and rice yield in upland Ultisols. This research was conducted from November 2020 to July 2021 at the Laboratory of Soil Science and Land Resources and the screen house of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Sudirman University. This study used a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) which consisted of two factors. The first factor is the grain size of slow release NPK-fertilizer which consists of six types, namely P0 (without slow release NPK-fertilizer and zeolite), P1 (slow release NPK-fertilizer with 30 mesh zeolite diameter), P2 (slow release NPK-fertilizer with 35 mesh zeolite diameter), P3 (slow release NPK-fertilizer with 60 mesh zeolite diameter), P4 (slow release NPK-fertilizer with 100 mesh zeolite diameter) and P5 (slow release NPK-fertilizer with 140 mesh zeolite diameter). The second factor is the treatment of compost dosage which consists of three levels, namely: K0 (compost equivalent to 0 tons/ha), K1 (compost equivalent to 20 tons/ha), and K2 (compost equivalent to 40 tons/ha). Observational variables in this study included P uptake, fresh crown weight, fresh root weight, dry crown weight, dry root weight, number of tillers, percentage of empty grain, and grain weight. The grain size of slow release NPK-fertilizer can increase rice yields except for fresh root weight and percentage of empty grain, and affect P uptake. Compost dose has a significant effect on all variables. The interaction of the grain size of slow release NPK-fertilizer and compost dose affected P uptake and number of tillers. The best treatment for P uptake was in the P2K1 treatment or a combination of the grain size of slow release NPK-fertilizer with a 35 mesh zeolite diameter and a compost dose equivalent to 20 tons/ha, while the best treatment for the number of tillers was the treatment with slow release NPK-fertilizer with a zeolite diameter of 35 mesh and the compost dose is equivalent to 40 tons/ha.
Kata KunciPadi, zeolit, pupuk NPK SR, kompos.
Nama Pembimbing 1Ir. Purwandaru WIdyasunu, MSc. Agr.
Nama Pembimbing 2Prof. Dr. Ir. Sakhidin, M.P.
Jumlah Halaman14
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