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NIM (Student Number)L1A017024
AbstrakSalah satu produksi udang yang diminati adalah udang vaname dalam bentuk olahan udang seperti Head On, Head Less dan Peeled Tail On. Produk olahan udang memiliki standar dan kualitas mutu yang baik sedangkan udang sangat mudah mengalami kerusakan dan kemunduran mutu. Penanganan udang harus dilakukan secara cepat, hati-hati dan dipertahankan kesegaran serta mutu udang, dengan menerapkan sistem rantai dingin (perendaman air es, es curah dan pembekuan). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman berbagai jenis olahan udang (HO, HL, PTO) dalam air es terhadap nilai organoleptik dan bobot udang vaname. Metode yang digunakan adalah experimental berupa RAK sederhana terhadap variabel bobot terdiri dari keragaman (perlakuan) dan waktu perendaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai organoleptik udang vaname sebesar 7.17, udang dalam kondisi utuh, kebeningan agak hilang, sedikit kusam, antar ruas kurang kokoh ,bau spesifik jenis netral, kurang elastis, kompak dan padat. Pertambahan bobot udang olahan PTO lebih besar dibandingkan dengan produk olahan HO dan HL. Semakin lama waktu perendaman udang maka bobot udang akan semakin bertambah berkisar antara 1.02 ± 1.79 dan waktu optimal perendaman udang yaitu 6 jam perendaman jika melebihi 6 jam bobot udang akan stabil. Rata-rata nilai rendemen untuk proses HO-HL 66.02% dan HL-PTO 89.69%.
Abstrak (Inggris)One of the shrimp productions that are in demand is vaname shrimp in the form of processed shrimp such as Head On, Head Less and Peeled Tail On. Processed shrimp products have a quality standards are good, while shrimp are very easy to damage and decline in quality. Shrimp handling must be done quickly, carefully and must maintain the freshness quality of shrimp by applying a cold chain system (ice water soaking, bulk ice and freezing). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of soaking of various types processed shrimp (HO, HL, PTO) in ice water on the organoleptic value and weight of vaname shrimp.The method used is experimental in the form of simple RAK on weight variables consisting of diversity (treatment) and soaking time (T). The results showed that the organoleptic value of vaname shrimp was 7.17, the shrimp was in intact condition, the clarity was slightly lost, slightly dull, less sturdy between segments, the specific odor was neutral, less elastic, compact and dense. The weight gain of PTO processed shrimp was greater than that of HO and HL processed products. The longer the time of soaking the shrimp, the weight of the shrimp will increase, ranging from 1.02 ± 1.79 and the optimal time of soaking of the shrimp is 6 hours of soaking if it exceeds 6 hours the weight of the shrimp will be stable. The average yield value for the HO-HL process was 66.02% and HL-PTO 89.69%.
Kata Kuncibobot udang, produk olahan, rendemen, udang vaname, uji organoleptik
Nama Pembimbing 1T. Junaidi, SE., M.Pi
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Amron, S.Pi., M.Si
Jumlah Halaman11
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