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NIM (Student Number)L1C020024
AbstrakPengaruh paparan crude oil terhadap perilaku, aktivitas dan buka tutup operkulum Ikan Badut (Amphiprion ocellaris) diuji dalam akuarium dengan memanipulasi tingkat kontaminasi crude oil. Penelitian ini melibatkan paparan tingkat kontaminasi crude oil yang bervariasi dari rendah hingga tinggi. Tingkah laku ikan badut diamati melalui pengamatan langsung dan analisis video untuk memantau perubahan perilaku dan perubahan buka tutup operkulum selama periode pemberian perlakuan crude oil. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 4 hari dengan menggunakan metode eksperimental dan 4 perlakuan. Perlakuan terdiri dari P0 (tanpa tambahan crude oil atau kondisi terkontrol), P1 (5 ppm atau setara 0,15 mg/l), P2 (20 ppm atau setara 0,6 mg/l) dan P3 (50 ppm atau setara 1,5 mg/l). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi kadar kontaminasi crude oil yang diberikan, maka aktivitas pergerakan Ikan cenderung semakin aktif bahkan agresif. Untuk buka tutup operkulum didapatkan kesimpulan semakin tinggi kadar kontaminasi crude oil maka buka tutup operkulum Ikan Badut cenderung semakin meningkat yaitu pada 0 ppm sebesar 228 per menit, pada 5 ppm sebesar 179 per menit, kemudian 20 ppm sebesar 209 per menit dan pada konsentrasi 50 ppm sebesar 218 per menit.
Abstrak (Inggris)The effect of crude oil exposure to behavior, activity and the opening of Clownfish’s operculums (Amphiprion ocellaris) were tested in aquarium by manipulating the contamination level of crude oil. The aim of this research is to observe changes in behavior in the form of movement and opening of the operculum carried out by Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) in each treatment. Clownfish behavior was observed through direct observation and video analysis using monitor to see the changes in behavior and the opening of operculum during the treatment period. This research was conducted for 4 days using experimental methods and 4 treatments. Treatment consisted of P0 (no addition of crude oil or controlled conditions), P1 (5 ppm crude oil concentration), P2 (20 ppm crude oil concentration) and P3 (50 ppm crude oil concentration). The results of this research show that the higher the level of contamination crude oil given, the fish's movement activity becomes more active and even aggressive. The opening of the operculum was concluded that the higher concentration of crude oil then the opening of the Clownfish’s operculum increases which at 0 ppm it reach 228 per minute, at 5 ppm it reach 179 per minute, then at 20 ppm it is 209 per minute and at a concentration of 50 ppm it reach 218 per minute.
Kata KunciCrude Oil, Ikan Badut, Operkulum, Tingkah laku
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr.Hartoyo, S.Pi., MT.
Nama Pembimbing 2Iqbal Ali Husni S.Pi., M.Sc.
Jumlah Halaman8
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