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NIM (Student Number)A1C008008
AbstrakAbstrak Kedelai merupakan komoditas pertanian yang sangat dibutuhkan di Indonesia, baik sebagai bahan makanan manusia, pakan ternak, bahan baku industri maupun bahan penyegar. Hasil varietas unggul Batan terus dimasyarakatkan ke berbagai daerah agar hasil litbang didayagunakan oleh masyarakat luas. Tahun 2012 UNSOED melakukan uji produksi bersama masyarakat, salah satunya masyarakat Desa Kalisari Kecamatan Cilongok sebagai salah satu pusat produksi tahu tempe. Kegiatan ini baru pertama kali dilaksanakan sehingga studi tentang persepsi petani sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui profil usahatani kedelai di Desa kalisari dan Desa Sokawera, (2) Menganalisis kinerja usahatani kedelai anorganik dari aspek biaya dan pendapatan, R/C Ratio, dan BEP di Desa Kalisari dan Desa Sokawera, (3) Mengetahui persepsi petani terhadap demonstrasi plot yang dilakukan oleh petani di Desa Kalisari. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Kalisari dan Desa Sokawers dengan metode penelitian studi kasus, rancangan pengambilan sample menggunakan Simple Random Sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif untuk menggambarkan persepsi petani kedelai terhadap demonstrasi plot serta analisis finansial antara lain analisis biaya dan pendapatan, Break Even Point (BEP), dan R/C Ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varietas unggul yang paling bagus adalah varietas slamet dengan penerimaan sebesar Rp3.812.240, pendapatan sebesar Rp1.597.886,11, R/C ratio sebesar 1,72. Persepsi petani kedelai terhadap demonstrasi plot tergolong sulit dengan komponen persepsi syarat tanah dan keberadaan benih tergolong sangat sulit, budidaya dan hasil produksi tergolong sulit, serta harga benih tergolong mudah.
Abstrak (Inggris)Abstract Soybean is a much-needed agricultural commodities in Indonesia, both as human food, animal feed, industrial raw materials and ingredients fresheners. Results Batan varieties continue to be promoted to various areas of research and developement results utilized by the public. In 2012 UNSOED production test with the community, one of the villagers Kalisari Cilongok district as a center for the production of tofu. This activity is carried out for the first time that the study of the perception of farmers is needed. This study aims to: (1) Knowing the profile of soybean farming in the village Sokawera and the village Kalisari, (2) Analyzing the performance of soybean inorganic aspects of costs and revenues, R / C ratio, and BEP in the Village Sokawera and the Village Kalisari, (3) Perceptions of farmers on demonstration plots conducted by farmers in the village Kalisari. The research was conducted in the village of Kalisari and Sokawera with case method design using Simple Random Sampling, The method used is descriptive analysis to describe the perception of soybean farmers to demonstration plots as well as financial analysis, among others, the cost and revenue analysis, Break Even Point (BEP), and R / C Ratio. The results showed that the best varieties are varieties slamet with income of Rp3.812.240, revenue Rp1.597.886, 11, R / C ratio of 1.72. Soybean farmers' perceptions of the demonstration plot has been difficult with the perception component of the soil conditions and the presence of seeds classified as very difficult, cultivation and production has been difficult, and the price of seed is relatively easy.
Kata KunciKedelai, demonstarsi plot, persepsi
Nama Pembimbing 1Ir. Bambang Sumanto., M.Sc
Nama Pembimbing 2Irene Kartika Eka W., SP., M.P
Jumlah Halaman16
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