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NIM (Student Number)C1B007116
Judul ArtikelAnalisis Pengaruh Role Ambiguity Role Conflcit dan Role Overload terhadap kKinerja Karyawan dengan Komitmen Organisasi sebagai variabel Moderasi (Studi kasus pada Karyawan PMI Kabupaten Banyumas)
AbstrakABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the negative effect of role ambiguity on job performance, role conflict on job performance, role overload on job performance, organizational commitment as a relation moderating variable of role ambiguity to job performance, organizational commitment as a relation moderating variable of role conflict to job performance and organizational commitment as a relation moderating variable of role overload to job performance. The samples used were employees of Palang Merah Indonesia Kabupaten Banyumas as many as 82 respondents. The method used for sampling is Proporsionate Clusster Random sampling method, while the method used for data analysis is multiple linear regreassion analysis, with the help of SPSS Statistics 17.0 program. Result of this research shows that : 1). Role ambiguity has negative influence on job performance, 2). Role conflict has negative influence on job performance, 3). Role overload has negative influence on job performance 4). organizational commitment didn’t moderated relationship of role ambiguity to job performance, 5). organizational commitment didn’t moderated relationship moderated of role conflict to job performance, 6). organizational commitment didn’t moderated relationship moderated of role overload to job performance.
Abstrak (Inggris)ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the negative effect of role ambiguity on job performance, role conflict on job performance, role overload on job performance, organizational commitment as a relation moderating variable of role ambiguity to job performance, organizational commitment as a relation moderating variable of role conflict to job performance and organizational commitment as a relation moderating variable of role overload to job performance. The samples used were employees of Palang Merah Indonesia Kabupaten Banyumas as many as 82 respondents. The method used for sampling is Proporsionate Clusster Random sampling method, while the method used for data analysis is multiple linear regreassion analysis, with the help of SPSS Statistics 17.0 program. Result of this research shows that : 1). Role ambiguity has negative influence on job performance, 2). Role conflict has negative influence on job performance, 3). Role overload has negative influence on job performance 4). organizational commitment didn’t moderated relationship of role ambiguity to job performance, 5). organizational commitment didn’t moderated relationship moderated of role conflict to job performance, 6). organizational commitment didn’t moderated relationship moderated of role overload to job performance.
Kata KunciRole Ambiguity, Role Conflict, Role Overload, Kinerja Organisasi, Komitmen Organisasi
Nama Pembimbing 1Dra Wartiyah, MM
Nama Pembimbing 2Dra. Hj. Titi Nurfitri, MM
Jumlah Halaman117
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