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NIM (Student Number)F1B114034
AbstrakPeraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 2 Tahun 2016 tentang Kartu Identitas Anak merupakan suatu kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah dengan menerbitkan kartu identitas yang diakui secara resmi oleh Negara untuk anak yang berusia di bawah 17 tahun sebagai upaya perlindungan hak atas anak untuk mendapatkan identitas berupa Nomor Induk Kependudukan disingkat NIK. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana implementasi yang dilaksanakan dan sejauh mana upaya yang telah dijalankan oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil kabupaten Banyumas dengan menggunakan teori Ripley and Franklin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis implementasi Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 2 Tahun 2016 tentang Kartu Identitas Anak oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pemilihan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Purposive Random Sampling dan Accidental Sampling. Fokus penelitian ini menggunakan 2 aspek kajian yaitu Compliance dan Whats Happening yang meliputi sumberdaya dan komunikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan aspek Complieance Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Banyumas sudah melaksanakan program sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 2 tahun 2016 akan tetapi masih belum optimal karena data mencatat baru 46.2% anak yang memiliki Kartu Identitas Anak. Dalam aspek Whats Happening dapat disimpulkan bahwa Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Banyumas belum optimal dalam melaksanakan implementasi dikarenakan masih belum ada petugas khusus untuk melaksanakan program tersebut dan hanya dibantu dengan operator system Kartu Identitas Anak yang bertugas mengumpulkan data. Adanya pandemic covid-19 maka sosialisasi Dinas dialihkan untuk mendaftar secara online dengan melakukan sosialisasi dalam bentuk memasang spanduk himbauan, akan tetapi tidak semua masyarakat dapat memahami dan mendaftar secara online.
Abstrak (Inggris)The study in this research is the implementation of Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2016 concerning Child Identity Cards by the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Banyumas district. Child Identity Card is a policy issued by the Government. The existence of an identity card that is officially recognized by the State for children under 17 years of age is an effort to protect the child's right to obtain an identity other than a birth certificate. In this study, the researcher wanted to know how the implementation of the Child Identity Card program was carried out and the extent of the efforts that have been carried out by the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Banyumas district. This study adopts the concept of implementing the Ripley and Franklin theory which explains that the success rate of policy implementation can be measured by looking at the level of compliance (Complieance) and other factors what happens when implementing (Whats Happening) in this study the Compliance aspect is applied, namely compliance in implementing the provisions stipulated in the Permendagri and the suitability of achieving the goals set out in the Permendagri. And other factors that occur during the implementation of Whats Happening, namely resources and communication during program implementation. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods. The location in this study was carried out at the Department of Population and Civil Registration. Selection of informants using purposive sampling technique. The focus of this research uses 2 aspects of the study, namely Compliance and Whats Happening which includes the sub-aspects of resources and communication. And data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the Miles, Huberman and Saldana technique. Referring to the results of the research analysis, it can be concluded that based on the Compliance aspect, the Child Identity Card Program has been implemented by the Banyumas Regency Population and Civil Registration Office since the beginning of the regulation, namely in 2016. And based on the Whats Happening aspect, in implementing the Child Identity Card program from In terms of resources, including human, financial, facilities and infrastructure are sufficient. In terms of communication, the communication between members of the Population and Civil Registration Office of Banyumas Regency has been good and the form of socialization efforts has been made to the community, even though it has not been regularly and reached by various communities, but will continue to be maximized so that all people can understand the Children's Identity Card. Keywords: Implementation, Ministerial Regulation, Child Identity Card
Kata KunciImplementasi, Peraturan Menteri, Kartu Identitas Anak
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Tri Yumarni, M.Si.
Nama Pembimbing 2Drs. Darmanto Sahat Satyawan., M.Kes., M.Si.
Jumlah Halaman13
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